The Board of Women and Children Assessment and Empowerment (LP3A) of University of Muhammadyah Malang (UMM) celebrated the Mother’s Day by holding the reflection event of “Women in the Axis of Civilization”. The event was held at the UMM Senate Meeting Room (RSS) on Tuesday (22/12).
The reflection event was opened by the Head of LP3A, Dra. Thathit Manon, M.Hum, and Aisyiyah activist, Suryan Widati, SE, MSA, Ak. Thathit, in her opening speech, said that women play very important role in the civilization. “Axis is the center. It means that women are the center of civilization,” she asserted.
Meanwhile, Suryan Widiati stated that, in fact, women don’t need a certain mother’s day. “Our mother’s day is looking at how healthy and happy our children are. Moreover, as teachers we are not only the mother of our biological children but our students also,” she asserted.
The reflection materials were presented by a lecturer of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training (FKIP) UMM, Dr. Trisakti Handayani, MM, and a lecturer of Faculty of Art of Malang State University (UM), Dr. Yuni Pratiwi, M.Pd.
Yuni issued the women literacy education in actualizing creative generation. Yuni believed that the role of Indonesian women these days is different with previous phases. “In the first phase, women participated in fighting for the independence. Tjut Nyak Dien, Nyi Ageng Serang, Tjut Meutia, Martha Christina Tiahahu and Wolanda Maramis are the women of the heroes,” Yuni said.
In the second phase, the women fought against stupidity. This fight ignited the women awareness in the importance of education. The last phase is the era of creativity, innovation, and production. “We live in this era. That’s why women have to be equipped with literacy competence so they can compete in this era,” she asserted.
Nowadays, products of literacy and idea influence the world we are living in. She made examples of how creative J.K. Rowling is through her best-seller books, Harry Potter series and Mark Zuckerberg with his facebook as the biggest social media in the world. “Those two are the examples. They sell their ideas.” Yuni hoped that women can become the first school for their children. “We have to their inspiration. Don’t rely to other people because we are their first school,” she asserted.
In response with that issue, Trisakti said that one of the obstacles in creating creative generation is the youngsters’ crisis of identity. “They can do inappropriate things which prevent their development,” she asserted. This is our role, she continued, in educating our children. “There are many negative influences these days. That’s what our job as mother get more difficult,” she asserted. (han/t_rfd)