Curriculum Revitalism of FKIP UMM

Author : Humas | Friday, January 29, 2016 13:43 WIB

RESPONDING the Decree Number 44 year 2015 of National Standard of Higher Education (SNPT) by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education which was assigned last year, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UMM held academic workshop to revitalize the curricullum and standardize the quality assurance of program of study.

Besides responding the change of SNPT based curricullum, Dr. Ponco Jari Wahyono, M.Kes, the Dean of FKIP UMM, stated that the event which was held on Thursday to Friday (28-29/1) at Kusuma Agrowisata Batu was also preparing the new curricullum which was relevant with the dynamics of ASEAN Economy Community (MEA).

Ponjo explained that FKIP UMM, as one of Institutions of Educational Personnel (LPTK) in Indonesia, have a responsibility in improving the quality and quantity of the skilled and educated personnel who can compete internationally. “We have to be aware of our position in the global context,” he asserted.

According to Ponjo, the problem is most LPTK we have aren’t all qualified so there is a disparity in quality. Ponjo also stated that most LPTK doesn’t have school laboratory and standardized partnership system. “We, moreover, are faced with the problems in over supply of education bachelor,” he added.

Ponjo believed that the policy of curricullum revitalization is the fundamental step of standardizing LPTK. “That have to be started with future-based curricullum and system of teaching learning. The quality assurance system has to also have the characteristic of LPTK,” he asserted.

Meanwhile, Bayu Hendro Wicaksono, M.Ed, Ph.D, the Chief Committee, said that the pace of the change demands FKIP UMM to not stop revitalizing. “There was policy of KKNI (National Qualification Framework of Indonesia) just in 2013 and last year there was another new policy, SNPT. If we are not ready, things will get difficult while we are competing in the era of MEA,” he asserted.

According to Bayu, the curricullum challenges are not only creating smart graduates but also focusing on what role they can do in the MEA era. “Not only whether they are smart or not, but also focuses on what they can do or what role they have,” said this Doctoral graduates of University of South Australia.

There are changes in the new curricullum which was discussed in this workshop, namely the number of SKS, the teaching ways and the evaluation methods. Bayu said that this new curricullum is to be applied to the even semester of 2016-2017 class this year. (han/t_rfd)



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