From left, Chief of UMM DPPM, Prof.Dr.Sudjono, Kes, UMM Vice Rector, Prof. Syamsul Arifin, M.Si, and Director of Research and Community Service Kemenristekdikti, Prof Ocky Karna Rajasa, M.Si, are reviewing the SME booth. Photo: Rino Anugrawan / PR |
2016 Seminar Nasional dan Gelar Produk (Senaspro) organized by the Directorate of Research and Community Development (DPPM) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was officially opened today, Monday (17/10). This event was opened by the Community Services Director of Research and Technology Ministry for Research and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti), Prof. Karna Ocky Radjasa MSi,. A total of the participants who attended was 151.
In the opening, Ocky expressed his appreciation to UMM which held a national seminar and the hold of the product.
"Rarely, a seminar was held simultaneously with the hold of the product. Therefore, I highly appreciate this event, "he said.
Ocky rated, it needed to change paradigm for the college professor which usually the focus of the research was only in the form of publications and has patents. Therefore, Ocky encouraged research results to get into the commercialization stage.
Ocky deplored the decline in competitiveness Indonesian rankings from 34 in 2014 to 37 in 2015 rank. There were some pillars that define a competitive nation or not. One was the market size. "There are about 240 million people in Indonesia, but 60 percent of competitiveness is still held by the United States, China, and Japan," he said.
In terms of innovation, Indonesia also declined. Thus, the development of science and technology and innovation were considered not to encourage the nation's competitiveness. Therefore, through national seminars and the hold of product, Ocky hoped to be able to encourage lecturers from universities in Indonesia to improve productivity in terms of research, primarily applicative research for society.
Head of DPPM UMM, Prof. Dr. Sudjono, Kes. stated that UMM currently survived on the order of 17 of the 25 universities that enter the cluster self-sufficient in terms of research. These results are hatched in the third title of the book, which was launched today, namely "Kepakaran dan Inovasi UMM", "Membangun Negeri melalui KKN", and "Direktori Abstrak Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat".
Meanwhile, UMM 1st Vice Rector, Prof Syamsul Arifin, M.Sc. in his speech said that this activity was a form of manifestation of one the main tasks of lecturers set forth in Law No. 14, 2005. Syamsul said, lecturer is a scientists as well as professional educators. Therefore, the lecturer has primary responsibility for developing science. One of them through research, according to the focus areas of the study of each faculty.
"The forum is also a realization of the UMM vision to become a leading university in science and technology development based on Islamization values," said Syamsul.
Meanwhile, in the UMM Dome Hall, 25 booths were shown to the entire community. Not only introduced, UMM also briought the results of research and dedication to the community.
Hendra Kusuma, head of the division of SMEs DPPM UMM which is also the coordinator of the hold product explained that 25 booths that displayed were still relatively few. There were still a lot of research findings and community owned by UMM but cannot be shown due to space constraints and the items that are too large.
"In fact, Mikrohidro community service is existed, the manufacture of the bridge as well. However, it impossible to present in this place, "said Hendra further.
In this event, one of the results of research and community service in the social sector was the postal family empowerment (Posdaya) in some areas in Malang and Batu. One Posdaya located in Malang Regency was in Wagir district. Community empowerment was done by UMM through the analysis
phase first and then training that was suitable for the area. Until now in the Posdaya Cooperative in Wagir District has a turnover up to 2 billion rupiah.
"We improve the welfare of the people there. Either side of education, economy and the like, "said the lecturer of Economics Studies Builders (IESP).
Not only in social areas were emphasized, UMM also emphasized community service in the field of exact sciences. In these fields, UMM performed community service by utilizing a micro-hydro power plants. One of them were in Kepanjen District, Malang Regency, which not only utilized micro-hydro alone. Interestingly, the lake which made for the power plant was also used as a place of tourism. "Devotion and research even grow up to create a new tourism," he explained.
In the economic field, UMM introduced investment gallery which included the procedures for investing and buying and selling stocks. In the gallery booth of the investments also introduced how to read and analyze the stock market running. Other campuses which participated were Wisnuwardhana University of Malang that introduced original handbags, wallets, and clothes sewn. Not only Malang, this exhibition was also attended by the college outside Malang. One was from the Bandung State Polytechnic (Polban) that introduced a study called Smart House. (PR UMM)