Sharing SPMI, UMM Invites Foster University to Develop Typical Potential

Author : Humas | Tuesday, May 08, 2018 15:34 WIB

Implementation of PT Asuh Program Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia (Kemenristekdikti RI) which has been agreed by University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) with six universities through the signing of a memorandum of understanding, socialization and need assessment that has been held on Monday (7/5) was continuing with workshop activities.

The workshop which was held on Tuesday (8/5) discussed about Quality Assurance System of Higher Education and focused on Strengthening Internal and External Quality Assurance System.

Prof. Dr. Noor Harini, M.S., Head of Academic Quality Control Board (BKMA) of UMM, stated that the workshop is not to make the universities must follow the system owned by UMM. Each university needs to explore the resources they have to be developed.

"Quality assurance is not only about the quality assurance system, but also the standard of higher education, accreditation, higher education database and the last one is related to service institutions of higher education," he said.

Got many explanations, Noor, as the Head of Quality Assurance Kahuripan Kediri University Kartika Kusumaningtyas, S. Si, M. Pd, admitted that he pleased to get a lot of new knowledge to improve the quality of its university.

"We are getting a lot of new knowledge to develop and establish better documents which will be socialized. So, they can be implemented and evaluated," he said.

Kartika claimed to learn a lot about quality audits internally because the whole process related SPMI peeled out.

"In addition, we also get the knowledge related to Internal Quality Audit because so far we do not really understand about it," he concluded.

PT's obligation to implement the quality assurance system is contained in Law Number 12 Year 2012 Section 53 concerning the quality assurance system of higher education. It explains that every university must run SPMI that can be tailored to the characteristics of the university concerned. Besides, as an effort to fulfill the national standard of Dikti, this step is also an effort to implement the External Quality Assurance System (SPME) which is the determinant of accreditation for the university concerned. (ard)



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