Three students of University of Muhammadyah Malang (UMM) won in Indonesia Student Research Festival (ISRF) 2015 after defeating the other 540 participants. These three students are Dwi Yunda Aliyanti (Psychology Dept.), Dwi Alfiyanti Rohmah (Sociology Dept.) and Fillah Amalia (Mathematics Dept.). Their research of “Graphic Sticker (Stigraf) for introducing the Intellectual Property Rights (HKI) to students” allowed them winning in Social-Humanities category.
“We found that in UMM, only 20% of students knew about HKI which its name is changed in Intellectual Property (KI). It’s contrary that the use of KI is to protect the copyright,” said Yunda in UMM Public Relation office on Friday (18/12).
She said that there has been many assets, but those assets were lost because it had not been registered yet. “Many people still don’t know about the function and the use of KI. We, then, decided to introduce the KI to the university students because they are the agent of change. They are to explain and inform the people what KI is,” she asserted.
After conducting the research, they then implement their designed concept and explain it to university students. As the result, the university students know what KI is. This is exactly as what they expected to be. “University students must know about the KI,” said Yunda clearly. She claimed Governor Trophy and two million rupiah as the rewards because of her research.
Besides Social-Humanities category, the other categories are Education category won by Yogyakarta State University (UNY) and Technology category won by Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya. The IRSF competition itself was held at Indonesia Education University (UPI) Jakarta. (nov/zul/han/t_rfd)