Sociology Department Consistently Guides the Change of Maduranese

Author : Humas | Friday, June 29, 2018 13:14 WIB
Rachmad K Dwi Susilo and Muhammad Hayat are On radio aired in Madura

Infrastructure is bloody needed by society. Unfortunately, sometimes it becomes the gate of modernization that erases local culture in certain place. Then, Sociology Department, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) strives to minimize the cause of culture change especially in Madura.

Witnessing the built of Surabaya-Madura bridge (Suramadu bridge) in the last ten years, Sociology department gives the information through radio to society. Rachmad K Dwi Susilo, Ph.D and Muhammad Hayat, MA are the speakers of the radio. Rachmad said, “We expect that our department can guide the society to get to know to the change. What we are doing now actually is the real implementation of UMM slogan, which is From UMM to the Nation”.

In fact, modernization will be continuously happening which probably makes the identity of local culture disappears. To avoid that happened, this radio program exists to share information and maintain the local cultures of Madura. Again, Rachmad said, “We intend to share the information and how to face the change through talkshow. Despite the fact that the information continuously happens, people must be able to maintain their local cultures”.

Muhammad Hayat, MA revealed that this talkshow is aimed to introduce Sociology department in UMM to the people in Madura yet giving sociological ideas that are related to the condition in Madura. He said, “The response of the listeners was quite good on the premiere talkshow. They accepted the information shared by us”.

Moreover, the talkshow has been aired in various cities in Madura, such as Bngkalan, Smpang, and Pamekasan. He expects that this program will always exist the next years. Hayat said, “After the Eid Mubarak, the students will get involved in this program”. (lus)



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