Syuna Salimdra, who wants to be beneficial for people graduated from Medical Faculty at a very young age (18 years old). Syuna who was born on Mei 8, 1999 graduated from University of Muhammadiyah (UMM) today (20/5) and he was confirmed as a young doctor.
His academic process considered very fast because he was taking accelerated class since elementary, junior and senior high school. Since he was a senior high school student, he wanted to continue his study on Medical faculty. To him, being a doctor is a very good job because he can help many people. He said, “I see doctors can help people’s lives. That’s why I want to be like them”.
When he was in senior high school, he said that he did not have any special method of study, other than being diligent. When he was a university student, he made his time to study in balance. Syuna was an assistant lecturer for five semesters in Skill laboratory of Medical Faculty. “ I was an assistant lecturer since the third semester to seventh semester. I found it’s good, because everything taught by the lecturer, I can easily remember”. Now, he dreams to be an anesthetist specialist.
Syuna makes the final task by taking the phenomenon of food vendors who use cooking oil for frying. Entitled "The Influence of Papaya Leaf Extract on Histopathology Replacement of Whites Hepar Rats Induced by Wasted Oil", Syuna tried to examine the liver damage caused by the consumption of fried foods with cooking oil.
In his research, Syuna who is the son of Buntoro Salimdra and Marzuqoh divided white rats into two groups. The first was given only cooking oil, while the second group was given cooking oil and papaya leaf extract. The result is surprising; papaya leaf extract can indeed but not too effective. "The observations took time for two weeks, then I surgery, took the hearts and then examined microscopically, it could be seen the difference in his liver cells. Which groups have more normal cells and which are more damaged, "
The man who is active in Student Executive Association (BEM) of Medical Faculty UMM explained, this research can be used for human. According to him, the hearts of rats have the same work with the human heart. Thus, if the consumption of cooking oil can continuously damage the liver of rats, it can also damage the human heart. "If papaya leaf extract can prevent further damage to rat liver then so is the human heart," He concluded.