ON MIPA is not only a Competition but Also a Process of Learning

Author : Humas | Tuesday, May 08, 2018 09:04 WIB

Special Staff of Vice Rector III Joko Widodo congratulated the winner ON MIPA 2018 in UMM Dome, (7/5)

National Olympiad of Mathematics and Science (ON MIPA) 2018 was held for three and was officially closed on Monday (7/5). On the closing ceremony, The Head of Sub Division of Reasoning and Creativity Directorate of Students and Learning the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia (Kemenristekdikti RI), Misbah Fikrianto motivated students to keep on seizing achievements. The participants should be grateful of what they have got and implement their knowledge in real life. They had to consider this competition as a process of learning. Misbah said, “In life, learning process does not only depend on the achievements in university but also the change in your life in the future”.

Kemenristekdikti will hold campus Olympiad because it gives positive energy for participants. Misbah said, “Campus has complete facilities. Next year, there will be more participants and will be held in another university”.

Zulfa Hilmi Kautsar from Institute Technology of Bandung (ITB) who won Gold medal in Chemistry said that this is his third time participating in ON MIPA competition. Zulfa who is a six semester student from Semarang admitted that he won every year. He got bronze medal in the first year, silver medal in the second year, and gold medal in the third year. Zulfa said, “This is my third time joining this competition. I already got bronze medal and silver medal”.

Meanwhile, Siswadi Aji Hutomo from Bogor Agricultural University, the winner of gold medal in Biology could not hide his happiness. He admitted that prayer is his secret winning this competition. Siswadi said, “The secrets are making a lot of prayers, keep practicing, and know my own weaknes. Prayer is the most important all the way”. (lus)



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