A year of Batu’s Mayor, UMM Sociology Holds A Dialogue with the Society

Author : Humas | Wednesday, December 26, 2018 11:20 WIB

Junrejo Village Society, City of Batu paid attention to the publisher’s explaination. (photo by: special)

Responding to a year of Batu’s mayoralty, Dewanti Rumpoko, Sociology Study Program of Faculty of Political and Social Science (FISIP) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a dialogue at Junrejo Village hall, City of Batu, Tuesday, (25/12).

The agenda attended by a various communities such as Batu’s activist, Karang Taruna and Students, discussed a various problems that should be paid attention by Dewanti.

The society considered that there are a lot of mayor’s policies would give a bad impact in the future. One of them was Aris, a resident of Batu.

“The tourism development is increasingly out of control. It will impact to the future. It’s not only because of the investment but also ecological values which are ruled out by the Government,” he said.

In addition, the result of research that presented by Sociology UMM Student also showed a lot of problems in Batu, starting from public service, education for poor society, and employment.

The result of research by Dian Astriani as a presenter explained that Batu’s Society who works in the tourism industry reached 20- 30% only. This situation was considered due to the standard of Human Resources that are not qualified yet.

“The condition makes Batu’s society had difficulty in economic. Their farmland had turned into a concrete building, thus it’s hard to find a job,” she said.

This forum produced 3 recommendations, namely the society needs to participate and encourage the government to put forward a small community, gives more attention to UMKM, and also helps the village fund. (meg)



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