Para peraih nilai terbaik ESP dan TAEP tingkat Fakultas berfoto bersama usai GK ESP, Minggu (18/10) di Hall UMM Dome. |
Approximately 5202 students of University of Muhammadyah Malang are graduated from English for Specific Purposes (ESP) program. The yudisium event was held at Dome of UMM on Sunday, 18th of October 2015. Due to the number of the participants, the committee divided the graduates that is equal to D1 degree into two sections which are morning section and noon section.
Vice Rector III of UMM, Dr. Diah Karmiyati, M.Si, in her speech stated the importance of English in this Globalization era. “English isn’t our first language, however it is important for us to master as a communication tool,” she asserted.
The proof of the importance of English as stated by Dr. Pradana Boy ZTF. The lecturer of UMM graduated from Australian National University (ANU) and National University of Singapore (NUS) in his motivation section told that because of his thesis which was in English, he later got called from Netherlands to present his thesis. “This can be pride of me, my family, UMM, and Indonesia as well,” he asserted.
Boy then suggested the students to think globally, seek international experience, also interact with people from different country. “Those things can stimulate us to upgrade our ability in speaking English” he said.
The announcement of the best ESP participant in Faculty level and University level and also the best Test of Academic English Proficiency (TAEP) was also held at GK ESP. The ESP graduates will receive a sertificate which is equal to English D1 degree. “Those who graduate are the students that take part at this 2 semester obligatory program. It is hope that by having this program, there will be no students of UMM who can’t speak English. Moreover, there are many chances to get an overseas scholarship,” said Dr. Masduki, M.Pd, the Director of Language Center (LC) of UMM.
The best score of TAEP this year achieved by Ambhari Paramastrya from Medical Faculty. The score Ambhari achieved was 439 of 500. While another three names which were named as the best ESP score were: Wahyu Mega Wulandari (FKIP), Febriani Luthfiati (Psychology), and Ismiati Ainun Syarifuddin (FISIP).
“There will be also bonus to visit Singapore which will be given to the achiever of the best score of TAEP, the achiever of the best ESP score, and a lucky person who won the doorprize at the graduation ceremony,” said Masduki. (zul/nas/t_rfd)