The PMM Team Developed a Module and Financial Reporting System for Farmers

Author : Humas | Friday, November 20, 2020 15:10 WIB
Community Service Team by Students (PMM) Lecturer Partners of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) conducted community service in Torongrejo Village, Junrejo District, Batu City (Photo: Istimewa)

The Student Community Service Team (PMM) Lecturer Partners of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) conducted community service in Torongrejo Village, Junrejo District, Batu City. This service is carried out specifically in terms of assistance in making financial modules and reports. Novitasari Agus Saputri, M.Pd. as a community service lecturer, took the initiative to create a module containing the profile of the Association of Farmer Groups (Gapoktan) and an understanding of making financial reports.

In the module, the profile section of each farmer group also mentions their business units and the products they produce. The module, which was compiled by Novitasari and his team, was done in about two weeks. “I purposely made the module content using simple accounting languages so that it is easy to understand. Because after completion, this module will be printed and distributed during the implementation of the activity, "said Novitasari (20/11).

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Meanwhile, Ike Arisanti, SE., MBA. Who is also a service lecturer in this group, is responsible for designing the financial reporting system. 


Lecturer Partners PMM Team together with Gapoktan Desa Torongrejo Village (Photo: Istimewa)

The system was created to make it easier for farmers to create financial reports. This system was designed using Microsoft Excel. Ike and Novitasari were assisted by 2 students from the UMM Accounting Study Program, namely Gresita Mahar and Maulana Riyan in completing this module and system in a very fast time.

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The hope was conveyed by Novitasari, after being socialized about the importance of a financial report, especially for UMKM, and explaining the use of the financial reporting system itself, the public can apply it in their daily transaction activities. The PMM Mitra Lecturer team took this action considering that the head of Gapoktan in Torongrejo Village, Junrejo District, Batu City, Sutejo said that there was still a lack of understanding of the financial statements.

“Every transaction not recorded, only sales and cash may be recorded because the members of farmer groups prefer simplicity and do not want to be complicated. Therefore, with the output in the form of modules and the financial reporting system itself, hopefully, it can facilitate the preparation of the Tani Torong Makmur Group Association financial reports so that each transaction can be clearly documented later, "said Novitasari via WhatsApp. (apg/can)



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