Elevating the Quality of Arabic Teaching, Dr. Ali bin Mayouf Al-Mayouf Coming to UMM

Author : Humas | Friday, July 06, 2018 11:31 WIB

Arabic Education Department (AED) is a new study program at University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) strongly strives to elevate the quality of the department. UMM held training for lecturers, students, and public on July 5th-6th, 2018 by bringing the theme the Development of Arabic Language Teaching Skills for Foreigners and Arabic Textbook Writing Training. This agenda is the cooperation between Arabic Teachers Association of Indonesia or Ittihad Mudarrisii al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah (IMLA) with several institutions of Saudi Arabia.

The Chief of the agenda, Moh. Fery Fauzi, S.Pd, M.Pdi conveyed, “AED UMM is part of IMLA. Previously, there has been cooperation between IMLA and Center for Research and Intercommunication Knowledge also King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Center for the Arabic Language to make summer visit to Indonesia”.

 One of the speakers is Dr. Ali bin Mayouf Al-Mayouf who is a Consultant of Center for Research and Intercommunication Knowledge as well as a lecturer in King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. Ali stated that language teachers including Arabic teachers have to consider important points in teaching and learning activity, such as language rules, translation, direct teaching, listening and speaking method, conversation method, and method of selectivity.

Ali explained, “Those five points are crucial. It doesn’t mean that all those points should be implemented in the same time, but you choose which one you think is more important and suitable to use according to the situation you face”.

According to Ali, the most effective method in language teaching is direct method because it is possible for teachers to give examples and explanation directly to the students. He said, “Basically, language cannot be taught by giving explanation only, it requires practice especially for kids”.

Siti Rauhillah, a participant from Islamic Institute of Hamzanwadi Lombok admitted that she gained new knowledge about Arabic language teaching because it is explained by Arabic native speaker. Siti said, “To me, this is interesting because I gain new knowledge about how to create an Arabic class”.

Moreover, this agenda was also attended by other speakers, such as Prof. Dr. Imam Asrori, M.Pd (the Head of IMLA) and Dr. Abdul Haris, M.A who is an expert of Arabic Language Education. (lus)



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