PLAY: UMM students do psychological intervention to Desaku Menanti children by inviting to play.
One of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) effort is to empower local community through encouraging the experts to present the concept of a tourist village in the periphery. Lombok Kulon's organic tourism village in Bondowoso, turtle conservation ecotourism and Mangrove Forest in Pacitan, as well as a cashewn tour village in Camplong Madura are the samples.
Visiting Lombok Kulon Village, Bondowoso Regency, tourists will be treated to free natural resources of pesticides. The natural atmosphere is more interesting thorugh picking fruits, vegetables, harvesting fish, then cooking them. That is the organic tourism village of Lombok Kulon, one of tourist villages accompanied by UMM experts.
The existence of this organic village is also under responsible Prof. Dr. Ir. Indah Prihartini MS, an agricultural and organic farming expert from UMM, who accompanied the development of this village through a community-funded program directed by the Directorate of High Education (Hi-Link Dikti).
During three years, 2013-2015, Indah helped to develop organic rice clusters as an effort to increase sustainable food independence in Bondowoso. In addition, Indah also helped farmers to pursue organic farming that had previously failed.
Currently, the more pepolar tourist village of Lombok Kulon, local people's economy is increased due to the growing of fields that can be cultivated, including production inputs such as organic rice products which every hour reaches four tons and is projected for export.
The community also utilizes irrigation flows for tubing tours, organic education tours, food sales and organic souvenirs, as well as renting houses for homestays for overnight tourists. Public awareness for organic farming also increased. No less than 25 hectares of agricultural land in Lombok Kulon has produced organic farming.
In addition to Lombok Kulon, UMM also empowers community through ecotourism, namely conservation of turtles and mangrove forests in Pacitan Regency. It was initiated by UMM Biology lecturer, Wahyu Prihanta. The presence of this ecotourism is powerful to stretch the local community economy. It was including the establishment of stalls and community involvement in the management of ecotourism areas. Furthermore, to siphon more tourists, by the beach is also provided swimming pool and installed the longest flying fox in Indonesia that reaches 450 meters.
There is also Agrotechnology UMM lecturer, Ir Henik Sukorini PhD, who handed over to become the chairman of promotion program of water cashew Camplong in Sampang, Madura. Through Henik, the area is transformed into a tourist cashew pickled village. The concept reflects from the tourist village of orange pickle and Malang apple. (ard)