UMM Open the Registration of Professional Engineer Program

Author : Humas | Monday, May 22, 2017 09:22 WIB
Engineering students at laboratory

Starting on September 2017, UMM will officially open the registration of Professional Engineer Program. It is based on the Decree of Minister of Technology Research, and Higher Education (SK Menristekdikti) Number 200 / KPT / I / 2017. The authority to open the study program is stipulated in the mandate of Law no. 11 of 2014 about Engineering and to accomplish National Qualification Framework of Indonesia (KKNI).

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UMM, Ir Sudarman MT explained, UMM should have at least six a qualified educational staffs as Madya Engineer Professional obtained by Indonesian Engineer Association (PPI). Currently, UMM has nine Madya Professional engineers.

UMM is selected to open professional program based on several criteria, such as it’s already accredited A or B, has engineering faculty, agriculture faculty, Mathematic or science faculty. “From the ministry selection, there are 40 universities both state and private which are selected to open this professional program”.

General Director of Institutional Science, Technology, and Higher Education Kemenristek DiktiDrIrPatdono Suwignjo MEngSc in the assignment letter of the implementation of Professional Engineer Program to UMM said UMM is chosen because of the ability and knowledge in the implementation of higher education quality.

He wrote "This program is opened to prepare human resources who have sufficient knowledge in the field of higher education profession engineer," The ones who can apply for this professional program can be from graduates of engineering, agriculture, science, as well as workers who work in the field of engineering. Each campus only provides 100 students per class.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector I of UMM Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin MSi expressed his gratitude because in one year UMM won the trust from the government to open two professional study programs at once. Previously, UMM has opened Profession Nurse Program. He explained."By this professional education, they will be more competent. By increasing competence, it is expected that their skills will be more easily recognized in working field because they are considered as professionals, "

Thus, UMM already has 57 study programs which are diploma, bachelor degree, master degree, doctoral degree, and professional programs. In the future, UMM will open another  professioal study program for exact science.

The opening of this Professional Engineer Program at UMM complemented other professional programs that existed previously, such as Profession Psychologist, Doctor Profession, Nurse Profession, Accountant Profession, and Profession of Pharmacist. "By opening this professional study program, UMM is expected to be the center of Excellent, " Syamsul concluded. (Can / han)



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