UMM and Lublin University of Technology Discussed About Education and Public Relations

Author : Humas | Thursday, April 26, 2018 16:19 WIB

There is a famous saying that “learning something is not only from experts”. Discussing something with those who have many experiences can also enrich knowledge. University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) sends students and staffs to experience international atmosphere through Erasmus+ program. There are also chances for European students, lecturers and staffs coming to UMM through Erasmus+ scholarship program.

Jakub Krzysiak, a Staff Officer of International Education of Lublin University got a chance to gain knowledge and experience in Public Relations Office UMM for a week. He shared his experience in working at Public Relations office in his campus. It is important design a program in selecting new students.

Some private universities in Indonesia design a test system for accepting new students. On the other hand, in Lublin University, the quality is a something crucial. The students have to maintain the quality according to the University standard. Lublin University which is located in Poland visits favorite schools every year. After that, they make a screening system to find students who have good quality to go to Lublin University. Open house and student creativity exhibition are always held every year to attract new students’ attention. According to Jakub, this is an effective way to maintain the quality of the students. Jakub said, “There is Robotic show held by student creativity units when the Open House is held”.

Furthermore, Jakub also learned about Public Relations concept in university, especially how UMM brands to attract new students’ attention.

The Secretary of UMM Public Relations, Muhammad Isnaini stated conveyed that the first step in branding is choosing target, media, and the concept should be considered carefully. Isnaini said, “Media should be suitable with the target. Do not be wrong to use instruments according to the objects”.

Isnaini who is also a lecturer of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Department emphasized the importance of maintaining the quality of University including lecturers, staffs, students, and the system in order to make maximum output. Isnaini said, “All supporting elements and the quality must be improved”.

One of the staffs of UMM Public Relations, Ridlo Setyono, has experienced European atmosphere by joining staff exchange in Lublin University of Technology. Ridlo said that there is similarity between UMM and Lublin University of Technology. Both universities are good in making international cooperation.  Ridlo said, “Lublin University of Technology cooperates with campuses in many countries, just like UMM does”. (lus)



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