UMM Supports the Development Both Branch and Twig of Muhammadiyah

Author : Humas | Monday, March 20, 2017 16:08 WIB
Muhammadiyah Central Board of LPCR, Great Commissioner (Retired) Ahmad Jamaluddin spoke in front of  workshop participants, at UMM Inn.

THE SUPPORT of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) toward Muhammadiyah was showed in various forms. One of them, UMM facilitated the Workshop of Establishment and Implementation of Corps Muballigh Muhammadiyah and Jamaat Movement and Jamaat Da’wah (GJDJ) on Level Branch, Saturday till Monday (18-20 / 3) at UMM Inn.

Vice Chairman of the Institute for the Development  of Branches and Twigs (LPCR) Central Board (PP) of Muhammadiyah, Drs. Ahmad Jamaluddin, Psi stated, this activity was a follow-up of the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) which was held several days ago. There were four decisions were taken during Rakornas, one of it was an agreement to revive GJDJ.

"The establishment of branches and twigs of Muhammadiyah in various cities could not be separated from the presence of mubaligh (preachers). Therefore, the formation of Corps Muballigh will strengthen the spirit to create, revive, and move both the twigs and branches in various regions in Indonesia, "he explained.

The Support of UMM was not merely to provide a basis for activities of Muhammadiyah.  Jamaluddin pointed out, UMM also contributed on the agenda of LPCR that will launch a scholarship of skills training program for youth on upcoming May.

UMM Rector who was also vice chairman of LPCR  stated that  ideological movement become an own magnet for people to involve theirself  to become part of Muhammadiyah. Moreover, in the era of 2000s, without ideology, Muhammadiyah was not strong enough to be a weapon for organizational development.

This event was followed by 92 participants consist of the 26 representatives of LPCR region and PP Aisyiyah. Beside of the establishment of the Corps Muballigh, LPCR will also train the model of Muballigh Corps management, GDGJ and mapping program. (Naz)



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