47 University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) contract lecturers joined Capacity Biulding and Commitment Training held in Human Resource Development Agency (BPSDM) UMM for 2 days, Friday to Saturday (3-4/3).
“Your job in UMM has to be happy and enjoy because it will create creativity and inovation.” Said Fauzan when opened the event in UMM Senate meeting room, Friday (3/3).
Besides, UMM also built physical icons in the form of building, fixed and beautifed the environment of campus, and tried to have Human Resource (SDM). One of the implementation has been through expertise mapping and accelerated of professor. “The young lecturer should also think which expertise they would be specified on. Thus, starting from now, make writing as much as possible either books nor researches,” said Fauzan.
Fauzan also advised to all participants to continue their studies to the higher level. Fauzan noted, as far as possible the lecturers should be able to study abroad. “I guarantee, if you get scholarship abroad, you will be immediately appointed to be permanent lecturer,” he said.
Meanwhile, the chief of BPSDM, Prof.Dr.Jabal Tarik Ibrahim, M.Si said that, the purpose of this event was to get to know one lecturer to another. Importantly, this event was to increase solidarity as part of UMM lecturer corps. “Finally, you were expected to icrease the loyality to Muhammadiyah especially UMM,” he said.
Jabal continued, another goal of this event was to equip the entire contract lesturers with a range of knowledge, capacity development and also working commitments at UMM. On the first day, participants were given a number of materials concerning the spirit of building loyality in Muhammadiyah and UMM. Next day, participants were given materials of personal competence and social development through outbound activities held at Apple Sun Training Center, Kota Batu.
The concept of this event was edutainment or a learning process that combines education and entertainment contents in harmony. Thus, the training activities would be fun. (can / ich)