Opinion editor Sindo, Prince Ahmad Nurdin, was presenting the views about the environment in a media perspective. (Photo: Distya) |
The Indonesia environmental in 2016 which was considered pockmarked became concern of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Thus, as a reflection of the end of the year, UMM Public Relations cooperating with the Centre for Environmental Studies and Population (PSLK) UMM held UMM Gazebo Forum. The theme was "Faces Environmental Pockmark Indonesia in 2016 and 2017 Dreams", on Saturday (24/12) in the gazebo UMM Library.
Three speakers were presented in this activity. They are an environmental expert, Dr. Abdulkadir Rahardjanto MSI, Opinion Editor of Sindo Newspaper, Pangeran Ahmed Nurdindan, Head of PSLK Husamah MPd. UMM rector, Fauzan, in his speech hoped, UMM Gazebo Forum can be a public space which is beneficial for the academic community in responding to the present issues.
In the discussion session, Abdul kadir, highlighted the environment as a whole space with humans and their behavior. According to him, people often forgot that they lived in a place where if they damaged the environment, meant they broke self-destructive as well.
"Damaged environment automatically will harm us too. Therefore, it is important to build an understanding on how people love the environment, because it is the same as loving yourself, "lecturer of Biology Education UMM concluded.
Meanwhile, as someone who works in the media, the Pangeran expressed that, media often raised the issue of the environment only if there was been a problem. Whereas, the theme of the environment could be reviewed more comprehensive not just when the problems occur, eg disaster.
"Indonesia is rich. It's just, we have not effectively utilize and rescued. Environment has not considered the points that have a positive impact financially. In fact, the neighborhood has a lot of potential, such as tourism sector. Just recently people started to develop environment-based on tourism," said Pangeran.
Today, he continued, the biggest challenge was how to make environmental issues became interesting point. UMM Gazebo Forum was rated by Pangeran as an activity that could bring a variety of ideas together to solve the environmental problems. "The academics contribute to the birth of the initiation of the spirit of improving the environment," he added.
Completing both informants, Husamah outlined in his presentation that, Micro Hydro Power (MHP) owned by UMM as a proof of participation of caring environment. UMM MHP accounted for 15 to 20 percent of alternative energy for the benefit of daily operations. Plants that live in campus 3 UMM also contributed to absorb carbon dioxide sebesar123 tons per year.
In addition, the QR code on a UMM tree was said by Husamah last September, would soon be launched, it had now been realized. Trees in UMM had now been equipped with QR code that can be easily scanned to find out for more information. PSLK continuously would promote the statement "collect waste in the place" and no longer "trash in its place".
"If thrown away, the value of the benefits of waste could be lost. While, with the actual collected trash still has value benefits. It is the application of the 3Rs slogan, reduce, reuse, recycle," he added.
In response, UMM Rector, Fauzan stated in 2017, UMM would held a festival featured research product research-based faculty and students. UMM Gazebo Forum would give the creative thinking of students. Since, the tradition to develop creativity was not only in the academic field, but also art and culture, one of them would be displayed on the board. (Ich / han)