UMM Holds Research Product to Meet UMKM with Investor

Author : Humas | Monday, October 16, 2017 15:51 WIB

DURING two days, October, 17 to 18, 2017, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) cooperated  with Ma Chung University and the Chinese Indonesian Association (INTI) held a National Seminar and Product Display (SenasPro). It was Held at UMM, this activity contained innovation festival, products display and national seminar on theme "National Festival: Innovation-Downstreaming of  Research Result and Community Service Towards Progressive Indonesia ".

the National Festival was choosen  as the SenasPro's headline. This was a step of UMM spirit to build the nation. UMM Rector Fauzan said that the spirit which was brought through this festival to lift the spirit sense of nationality."

"The spirit that we bring in this festival is the spirit to restore the sense of nationalism among identity crisis that is engulfing the Indonesian nation," he explained.

The nationalism was reflected from  participants. In this annual event that initiated by Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM), there were 190 researchers from various fields of science from all over Indonesia.

There would be a parallel season for the seminar participants. This activity also invited some expert speakers in their fields, namely  Dr. Ir. Jumain Appe, M.Si. (Director General of Innovation-Kemenristek Dikti), Dr. Indra Wahidin (INTI Association Vice Chairman), Dr. Bayu Prawira, Hie (Executive Director of Intellectual Business Community), Jhon Hardi, ST., M.SM., CSM (East Java CSR Forum Founder), Prof. Dr. Rahayu Hartini, SH, M.Si., M.Hum., (Professor of Business Law UMM), Hero Wijayadi (Meme Florist Go Digital), Andy Djojo Budiman (Integrated Retail Application / IREAP), Djoko Kurniawan (Business Consultant) and Abraham Lembong (Investor Advisor).

The national festival also opened a space between Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Agency (UMKM) that belongs to local community and student who  have innovation with entrepreneurs in this product and innovation display event. Related to sub event that would be held at UMM Hall Dome, National Festival organizing committee chief  Ir. M. Irfan, MT, stated that this was a golden opportunity for both parties.

"This is a golden opportunity for UMKM and entrepreneurs. For UMKM, they can show an innovation, and for entrepreneurs, they can find a place to invest," he explained. Approximately 50 products of UMKM both community and student product would be ready to display their innovation. (Naz)



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