AS Respon to a changing of library function in the era of digital native and as preparation in giving the best service to user, library at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a Training of Trainer (ToT) on theme "Building Information Literacy Academic Culture and Digital Literacy", on Thursday-Saturday (16-18 / 3) at UMM Inn.
The world nowadays in the era of digital native and the information being easily to acccess. However, on the contrary a survey showed that the student information literacy level in Indonesia at lower-category. This was conveyed by Pelita Harapan University Library Cooperation Head, Dhama Gustiar as one of the key speaker.
In the information literacy agenda, library has a strategic position, whether in physical side as facilities or librarians as an important source of user. However, the firstVice Rector of UMM, Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M. Si., said in the 80s era , people of the world were in the third phase, the phase of information after the phase of agriculture andindustry. This was an era in which the flow of information circulating quickly. The problem was, the developments of technology and the rapid flow of information caused people, especially the younger people wanted everything (to change) rapidly.
"In the academic field, it can causes the loss of students spirit to write an original paper. It's no secret that the students write a paper through a copy-paste. Although it is the 'condemned act' in the academic field, " Syamsul explained.
Dhama added that in Indonesia, generally librarian had bachelor degree (S1) of Library. It was strange he said. Due to in many countries, library science was gottten in master program. Meanwhile, a bachelor degree was a particular science over literature (science).
"If S1 (bachelor degree) is the other science, (only) S2 (who) has science library, so the librarian will be a specialist subject, because not only able in library management, but also having an expertise in the field of particular science. Hence, for example, there are people who ask about biology references, librarians will have an ability in those fields, "he explained.
This event was attended by 40 librarians from the Library Forum of Indonesia Higher Education (FPPTI) East Java, Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah. Not merely to study regarding the issue of the information literacy, among other types of it, they were also trained on the analysis of Information need, information resource search, and the prevention of plagiarism. (Naz)