UMM Initiated of Islamic Awakening Spirit for World Civilization
Author : Humas | Thursday, November 16, 2017 11:56 WIB
University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) seeks to be the initiator of spirit in Islam for the world's census. Through the Annual International Conference on Islam and Civilization (AICIC) activity, UMM invites Muslims from all over the world to sit together and provide real solutions to the problems happening in the world today.
The conference, which was initiated by UMM Rector, Fauzan, is designed as an academic and scientific event to establish further cooperation in solving world problems. AICIC will last for three days, Friday-Sunday (17-19 / 11) at UMM Auditorium.
AICIC activities are divided into two, namely a call paper presentation followed by eleven countries and followed by a consortium of activities followed by a number of universities in the world that manage Islamic education. In addition, the consortium will present experts from Australia, America, Cambodia, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Participants who have been presented are selected people who have an interest in the issues and conflicts that occur in the world.
Among those experts are Prof Moh Zain Musa (Royal Academy of Cambodia), Prof. Amin Saikal (Director of the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies, Australian National University), Asst Prof. Nefertari Arsad PhD (Istitute of Islamic Studies, University of Philippines Diliman Quezon City, Philippines), Associate Prof. Muhamad Ali (Director of Middle East and Islamic Studies, University of California, Riverside, USA), Prof. Mun'im Sirry (Notre Dame University, USA), Prof. Dr. Amsal Bakhtiar MA and Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Mas'ud (both from the Department of Religious Affairs), Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin MSi (Vice Rector I of UMM) and Irfan Junaidi (editor in chief Republika).
AICIC Chief Executive, Salis Yuliardi, stated that this activity was held as a real action form of Islam that has been widely known for war and terrorism.
"Here I am reiterating the initiator's statement of this activity, where he thinks Islam is considered to be less contributing to the world's ties," Salis said.
This activity also aimed to show that many Muslims have actually inspired and become part of the world civilization. In terms of themes, this activity really emphasizes the role of Islam to create controversial thoughts. The sub-topics of this activity are Islamic education, Islamic theology, Islamic economics, Islamic politics, socio-culture, and technology. (ard)