AKBP Heru Wibowo Cahyoduring the Training of identification, introduction of drugs and crime in the Auditorium of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Monday (20/2). (Photo: Rino) |
HIGH number of drug users in Indonesia has boosted the president set the emergency status. It was based on drug use prevalence that increasingly heightening in community. During 2014 it has reached 4 million users following to the next year, namely 2015 increased to 5.2 million users. In 2016 there were approximately 6 million users recorded in the BNN. The data delivered by the Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Kota Batu, AKBPHeru Wibowo Cahyo in training of identification, drug introduction and crime in the Auditorium of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Monday (20/2).
Heru continued, everyone could involved within drug’s trap. Therefore, Heru stressed, as a college education providers were required to understand the types, characteristics of users and the characteristics of drug dealers. "Because the drug does not only trap the students. Both lecturer until the professor is also (possibly) trapped in drug cases, "Herudi Said in front of the third Dean Deputy of all UMM faculties.
Furthermore Heru explained how to identify the types of drug. "Drug has many kinds. (It) Can be dried marijuana leaves shape, pounded heroin, morphine made as home industry even electric cigarette could also be one of the drugs sucker tool , " Herudalam explained during the event that initiated by Student Affairs Bureau of UMM.
On the same occasion, the Head of Police Reskoba Unit of Malang City, AKP Imam Mustaji added, at least there were two things to identify drug users. First, the most common signs that occured when a user can not keep focus of accepting lecture material. Second, can not stare directly at other person's eyes when communicating.
"If it is found the students like that (signs), it becomes the responsibility of the entire civitas academica to take action and report to us," Imam said.
Meanwhile, Head of Student Affairs, Drs. Abdullah Masmuh, M. Si explained the event was held to anticipate students from drug abuse. According to Masmuh, every campuse element should to know (it) so then the drug abuse could be avoided.
Nowadays ,Abdullah explained, UMM has cooperated with (number) of head of RT and RW around the campus to take action for UMM students who abuse drugs. In the long term, the supervision is done by the third deputy dean all faculties, UKM, and also the people around the campus. (Naz)