UMM Utilizes Research Products for Farmers and Fishermen

Author : Humas | Friday, August 04, 2017 10:02 WIB
RESEARCH PRODUCTS: Breeders packs fermented goat milk which is a product of UMM lecturer research.

Breeders, farmers and fishermen are a profession that become the rest of life for many lower classes people. To make this profession be more productive and promising for the long term, academician can play a strategic role through research products that are useful to improve quality and profit.

Through Ikhtiar, lecturers of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Prof. Dr. Sujono Mkes, fermented goat milk research products. This research had gone through pre-clinical testing stage to mouse. Another next clinical trials were performed to humans who suffered hypercholesterolemia, hyperuresemia, and diabetes mellitus for three weeks as much as 250cc per day. The result, this fermented goat milk is able to lower cholesterol, uric acid and glucose.

The success of this research led to Sujono producing goat milk en masse since last year. Besides beneficial as a bidder for patients with hypercholesterolemia, hyperuresemia, and diabetes mellitus, goat milk production has a positive impact on dairy goat breeders.

Sujono took the dairy goat breeders built in Batu, Dampit and Tirtoyudo areas, Malang regency. Not only that, Sujono also taught the cultivation process to the breeders so that milk production increases to the best milk quality.

In the similar field, Dr Ir Ahmad Wahyudi Mkes, also created a research product of animal feed concentrated that had been Intellectual Property Rights. This concentrate feed begins with difficulties to get green feed in the dry season. In fact, farm animals must remain productive every day.

Meanwhile, lecturer of Sociology UMM, Dr. Vina Salviana Darvina Soedarwo Msi, tried to empower the community in coastal port area Lekok, Pasuruan regency. Vina empowered the fishermen's wives to two Llahok Coastal Processing and Marketers Group (Poklahsar) by instilling an entrepreneurial mindset.

Beginning in 2016, the research funded by Ristekdikti is conducted by providing fish processing training, which made nuggets, meatballs, dragon legs, and crackers made from raw fish. The result is positive, until now people who get training and assistance is productive to make processed fish besides terasi and salted fish. (ard)



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