UMM-Perhutani Prepares Bamboo Education Forest

Author : Humas | Wednesday, November 04, 2015 17:12 WIB

The Forestry Department of Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (FPP) of UMM is cooperating with Perhutani to make an education bamboo forest. The bamboo forest is prepared to be an academic research source and also a center of bamboo crafts.

     According to the Head of Forestry Department, Tatag Muttaqin S. Hut, M.Sc, the concept of education bamboo forest is the first proposed concept by any university. “That’s why we will immediately make a MoU with Perhutani due the land that will be made as an education forest is the property of Perhutani,” she asserted.

     A meeting of cooperation discussion was held at UMM inn Hotel on Tuesday, October 3 2015. The meeting was attended by the Head of Regional Division of East Java Perhutani, Forest Stakeholder Unit (KPH) Malang, Bondowoso, and West Banyuwangi, divisions of KPH Kepanjen, Forest Stakeholder Resort (RPH) Selorejo, the Chief of Kuncur village district of Wagir, and Lembaga Bambu Nusantara.

     Tatag believes that the concept of this education forest will be beneficial because it is a new innovation for the University in Indonesia. UMM will cooperate with Perhutani for 15-25 years, added by Tatag, if possible.

     “The education forest is not only used by the Forestry students. Everyone can conduct their researches and activities there.” The location of the forest will be in Kucur village, Wagir district, Kabupaten Malang as said by Tatag.

     Tatag said that Kucur village is chosen because the village is the center of bamboo crafting. “Moreover, there is a dried wellspring, so that place is suitable for us to plant the bamboo,” he asserted.

     Meanwhile, the Division Head of Perhutani of East Java, Andi Purwadi, stated that Perhutani will support the cooperation. “That is very good. It supports the education quality in university. Moreover, bamboo has high commercial value,” he asserted. (dik/han/t_rfd)



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