UMM Spirit of Preserving Javanese Culture Through Javanese Literary Film Festival

Author : Humas | Friday, July 06, 2018 15:23 WIB
In the midst of the proliferation of Indonesian films lifted from the novel makes Dadang Wijoyanto become one of Karawitan lecturer at University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) in sparking the idea to raise the story of Javanese literature in a film.
This lecturer from Trenggalek city invited students of Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of UMM in Karawitan course that to create something new in the agenda of Karawitan Peak 2018 on Friday (6/7).
The selection of Cerito Cekak (Cerkak) owned by Suharmono Kasiyun had a reason. Javanese literary work entitled "Kawak Kawa Adhi Ari-Ari" had received several prestigious awards. One of the Best Local Java Literature Award 2017 came from the Rancage Foundation. Recognized by Dadang, PGSD UMM is the only study program that sparked the idea of ​​lifting Javanese literary works in short films.
"PGSD UMM is the only study program that sparked the idea of ​​making short films adopted from Javanese literary works," explained the lecturer who also teaches Javanese language course.
In addition to Kakang Adhi Ari-Ari Crater, there were also eleven films that were played. Those were Surup, Kembang, Mantu, Peteng sing Ireng, Wiramane Song Dhangdut, Sani, Tambak Oso, Gombak, Tamu, Sisihan, Ayomi Tyas, Wening, and Bento.
"This twelve films were developed by the students. We only become mentors if they feel there is difficulty in understanding the story line," said Dadang.
This Film Festival in the top of Karawitan 2018, highly appreciated by all students of PGSD UMM. One of them was Dian Armandha, acknowledging making movies for PGSD students was a new, but it is a fun challenge.
"Making the movie is not our habit, so it's a bit difficult. But this task is very challenging because it has to do a lot of research," explained the film director Surup.
He added that making movies is one way for PGSD students to promote culture, mainly Java.
"I am very happy to be involved in this final project, making the film can help us to promote Javanese culture," added the student from Reog Ponorogo city.
Not only work in film making, UMM PGSD students were also encouraged to create tembang dolanan. The creation of this dolanan song is one of the efforts of PGSD UMM to preserve Javanese culture, especially in forming character education through local wisdom.
"In addition to adjusting the needs of elementary teachers, we also encourage PGSD students to teach character education through local wisdom," said Dadang.
Twelve tembang dolanan was created and paraded by the students of PGSD UMM, among them Bekelan, Elephant ing Zoo, I Due Truwelu, Pitik Jago, Kupu-Kupu, Kekancan, Ants, Ojo Lali Wektu, Lemu Cats, Jambu Lemu, Ayo Konco, and Mountains.
"All the students created and arranged all the displayed dolanans," Dadang said.
As one of the programs focusing on character education development, PGSD UMM continues to preserve Javanese culture through several Javanese cultural subjects such as Javanese and Karawitan. (ard)


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