THE GRADUATION Day held by University of Muhammadiyah malang (UMM) today (28/110 is the last period of graduation in the year. In a year, UMM holds the graduation ceremony four times with the avarage of 1.200 graduates for each period. Since the year’s end becomes the momentum of the enforcement of the Asean Economic Community (MEA), UMM determined the theme in order to motivate the graduates.
Delivering speech to the the guests, the Rector of UMM, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.A.P., said that he was optimistic that the graduates are capable to face the challenge of MEA. Moreover, since the beginning UMM students have already being prepared with the mentality of hard working and smartness to welcome the demographic bonus that will occur in Indonesia as as productive and professional workforces.
He also explained that in term of education and productivity, Indonesia is far left behind comparing with the workforces from Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Derived from this fact, there is no other way for UMM except preparing everything at its best to follow the international standard, at least in South East Asia. “I am optimistic that in this position, the graduates can be the ASEAN corss-countries professional workforces,” said him.
On the other side, the graduates are considered lucky since they are on productive age. Recently, Indonesia has entered the era of reaping the demographic bonus. This is the era when two productive persons with productive age (15-64) support one unproductive person (less than 15 and more than 65).
“The peak of this demographic bonus will occur in 2028-2030 and it also will contribute one-third of the economic growth. This means that at the time you, the alumni of UMM, are working in productive age, the economic condition will be on beneficial state,” said Muhadjir.
Particularly, the rector reminded the graduates to consider their position as the next generation. Noticing some graduates that suceeded to be regioal leaders, he reminded the graduates should always remember the Graduates’ Vows that have been declared today. It is expected that they can be problem solvers in the middle of nowadays political chaos.
Regarding the current global issues, the rector suggested the graduates to take side according to the perspective of Muhammadiyah, that is as Islam bearing the vision of rahmatan lil alamin (blessing for the universe). “Our dakwah (teachings) are realized through education, health, social service, economics, culture and politics, not through violance. Violance is not the character of Islam,” he ended. (nas/t_far)