In the beginning of this semester, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) will apply blended learning or mixed learning. Blended learning is a learning model that combines face to face (face to face), but also online class (internet and mobile lear ning).
Coordinator of UMM blended learning program, Prof. Dr. Yus Mochamad Cholily Msi, said that the implementation of this program is due to increasingly social media, especially among youth. "It is undeniable that information technology has penetrated into the world of education. Therefore, it is unfortunate if it is not supported by lecture models that utilize this technology," said Yus.
The use of blended learning, added by Professor of Mathematics Education UMM, more widely adopted in schools, universities, and industries around the world. According to him, mixed learning will encourage the proportion of online high school courses to reach 50 percent percentage in 2019. In addition, blended learning in college will be one of new learning methods.
"Learning models include web-based programs, software collaboration, and network management systems. In addition, it also includes a number of activities including face-to-face learning, e-learning, and self-learning activities. This allows learners to combine face-to-face learning experiences with online learning. Information technology has the potential to improve the effectiveness of learning because the Internet can provide access to unlimited learning resources," he explained.
The implementation of blended learning is explained by Vice Rector I, Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin MSi, is one of UMM efforts to advance the learning process. Various efforts need to be improved as part of high trust to UMM. One of them is the recognition of accreditation from National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) with A value and international certification at ASEAN level as associate member of AUN-QA.
Therefore, called Syamsul, UMM is keen to revitalize the Higher Education Curriculum (KPT) so that the learning process runs according to national standards. In addition, the implementation of DTL is a prerequisite for universities that are improving international recognition. That way, added Syamsul, UMM students have good qualifications.
"Indeed, we want to give two certainties to the UMM students. First assurance that our students can graduate on time. The second is how to make our graduates able to be absorbed in the world of work," he said. (ard)