UMM Continuously Striving Reputable International Journal Articles Writing

Author : Humas | Friday, July 13, 2018 14:00 WIB

In case of gaining the international recognition in scientific publication, the Development of Scientific Publication Board University of Muhammadiyaah Malang (LPPI UMM) held a Reputable International Journal Articles Writing Workshop on Friday (13/7) in Senate Court Room UMM. LPPI focused on the introduction of the reputable international journals, the strategy, the way in selecting journals, and manuscript preparation.

The Secreatary of LPPI UMM, Zulfatman, M. Eng, Ph.D conveed that this workshop is aimed to support lecturers to publish scientific journals. This workshop was rviewed by Dr. Lukman, St. M. Hum from the Central Institute of Informatics Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenristekdikti RI). Zulfatman conveyed, “If we’ve reached the clinical stage, they can see the alignment aspect with the guideline they want to reach. The next day (14/7), we can submit our journals”.

 Vice Rektor I UMM, Prof. Dr. Syamsul rifin, M.Si explained that now UMM is striving to lift up the rank of scientific publication especially index science and technology of Kemenristekdikti (Sinta). Pof.Syamsul said, “We want the lecturers of UMM to take part in scientific publication through this workshop. Sinta makes ranking according to the number of publications in either regular or reputable national and international journals”.

Sinta has measurements, analysis, identification, and the strength of research of each institution to develop collaborative partnership and to analyze the tendency of research and expert directory. Prof. Syamsul admitted that research publication of Sinta is not really satisfying. That is why it needs to be developed more. He said, “For instance, for those lecturers who are already lectors, doctors, or professors should be pushed to publish reputable international journals. Meanwhile, young lectures are expected to study both national and international journals either regular or reputable. It will be really helpful if one person can publish one scientific journal in a year”. (lus)



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