UMM is a host of International Relations Olympic Regional of Java-Bali-Mataram

Author : Humas | Thursday, November 17, 2016 12:00 WIB

Dean of Faculty of Social, Asep Nurjaman, takes pictures with the representatives of the Olympic delegation. Distya / HUMAS UMM.

Study Program (Prodi) International Relations, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM HI)  entrusted again to be a host of the annual Olympics,  International Relations Olympic Sports (IROS), after previously hosted in 2009, the competition's regional IROS VI  Communications Forum of International Relations Students Indonesia (FKMHII).

For this year, the activities that take place on November 17 to 19 was followed by seven universities in Java, Bali and Mataram, namely Airlangga University Surabaya, University of
Udayana Bali, Brawijaya University (UB) Malang, UPN Surabaya , State University of Jember (UNJ), University of Mataram (Unram), and UMM as a host.

After the opening of this activity in the Auditorium UMM (17/11) conveyed by the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UMM, Dr. Asep Nurjaman MSi, then 268 participants from seven campuses will undertake the game at GOR Badminton Golf Rajabasa Tidar Malang. There are three branches that are contested, included basketball, futsal and badminton. "On the last day will be held rowing on the lake UMM," said chief executive IROS 2016, Dhiyah Arielle.

The theme is
Our expressing Solidarity through Fairplay, this Olympics is expected to be followed by all participants sportsmanship. Dhiyah said that the ultimate goal is not to make enemies but to strengthen the brotherhood between International Relations students in Indonesia. "The event is not to determine the champion is, but for friendship and proved that International Relations students not only be able to negotiate, but also to compete," said the International Relations student of UMM.

Asep Nurjaman in his speech explained that exercise is one of the most excellent instrument by making close the difference. "In sports, we forget about the ethnic, tribal and religious. Moreover, there are also some from Bali, so the sport can be a unifier of the various ethnic groups, "said Asep. (Jal / han)



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