UMM Hosts Establishing PMSM of Malang Branch

Author : Humas | Thursday, April 06, 2017 16:11 WIB
Vice Rector II, Nazaruddin during his opening speech in the Coordination of  PSMS establishment and Implementation of  SKKNI Malang branch on MSDM field.

DEVELOPMENT of human resource management provides a detail and comprehensive mapping of future that the the next Human Resource Management (MDSM) in Indonesia demands a better response.

"Some Studies that conducted in many colleges regarding the practice of HRM are usually seen from the aspect of behavioral approach through communal approach in which tend to be individual in problem solving of SDM," said University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Vice Rector II, Dr. Nazaruddin Malik, M.Sc. on coordination meeting of  Establishment of Indonesia’s Human Resource Management Association (PMSM) Malang Branch at the Senate Meeting Room of UMM on Thursday (6/4).

Nazaruddin explained that a more systemic approach is needed to design and redesign organization and to do change through organization.

"So the behavioral aspect can also be seen its results. systemic change  of behavioral-based is still rare to be studied in college, "said Nazaruddin who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Economic and Business (FEB) UMM.

College also should have a strong relationship with practitioners, having integrated thoughts and also to suport each other. Especially, how college to prepare the best graduates who has competencies that allow them to move properly in industry and even services field.

The echoes of the PSMS establishment of Malang branch has long been heard. Nevertheless, Nazaruddin rated that previous activities in East Java were still partial and sporadic, especially those who are in an environment that focus on manufacturing industry.

Nazaruddin recognized that comparing to Branch Council (DPC) in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi, PMSM’s activities in East Java tend to be less. "Due to the direct linkage with the main employee labor causes them to do intense coordination," Nazaruddin said.

Nazaruddin Continued that competence qualification become an important issues. Even in college, a scholar should have an accompanied certificate that shows the competence of student.

"College, especially private universities with all its complexities are required to run a better management of SDM, like a broad management of infrastructure complexities at UMM," he said.

In addition, the meet  of PSMS establishment also to socialize the implementation of Indonesia’s National Work Competence Certificate. (Naz)



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