UMM Rector on welcoming speech to receive the visiting of Yapis University of Papua |
After ten years University of Yapis Papua (Uniyap) visited University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) to learn phsycal development and academic, Uniyap come back to UMM, Tuesday (25/10) for learning about institution development and human resources including internationalization.
Uniyap Rector, Muhdi B Hi Ibrahim said, the visiting of UMM always brings useful thing for campus which lead by him. “We have implemented what we got for the first visit both in physical development or academic. For the second time we want to get the other benefits” he said.
The UMM Buildings, According to him has its own characteristic compared to the other campuses. Moreover, there was the similarities between Uniyap dan UMM, the river which flows within campus. “UMM and Uniyap are the same, both has the rivers,” Muhdi joked.
UMM Rector, Fauzan welcomed warmly of Uniyap Visit. In his speech, Fauzan explained about some progress of UMM. The progress namely learning system, administration and students. “At UMM, The Lecturer not only could to teach but also to manage, involving in process and to be humble, not to be luxorious. He said.
According to him, development of non-state campus caused its students. The best services for students will increase both trust and spirit of proces in student that will affect to institution quality.
Yapis, Fauzan added, can be the strong castle in Papua. It can be started to implement development orientation, to give the stressing of strengthening human resources and institution. Fauzan pointed out, the professor at UMM will be guide fo several doctors to achieve the title of professor.
In academic, that could be run with creating of lecturer expertises mapping. At UMM, Fauzan has been motivating lecturers to have the conception to be expert specifically. The lecturer expertises field will be shaped through learning, writing, and researching. Then there will be one department one product and to be an icon in every study program.
In evaluation, student evaluation for lecturer also be shared by Fauzan, it’s very important as feedback and suggestion to increase lecturer qualities. Fauzan vowed to visit Uniyap. Fauzan was sure, Uniyap has the big chance to be Papua’s university which go international. (ich/han)