SERVICE is one of dedication of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) as an educational institution. It needs a good service and discipline done by every worker or staffs in UMM, including the part timer students. The training which was held in the Human Resources Control (BPSDM) of UMM taught the students to give best service to the customers.
The third Vice Rector of UMM, Dr Sidik Sunaryo,M.Hum explained, this training was one of the implementation of UMM’s responsibilities beyond the obligation to pay salary. Besides, this activity was a form of UMM’s caring to the students who are willing to work while studying. He said “To show a sense of care for the students, UMM open job fields to provide the students having work experience.”.
According to Sidik (a lecturer of Faculty of Law in UMM), there are various types of spirit owned by workers. The first is theological spirit or divinity. People work essentially not only to seek salary or money but it is more like as a form of servitude to God. Workers have some elements of divinity. “every agency that has employees must give special time to worship, for example sholat for Moeslem or another worship depends on faith”
Furthermore, the second spirit is a human value, because work essentially is to humanize human being and the excellence service is to humanize humans as well. The third Spirit is unity, because the workplace certainly has a common goal. Sidik continued “Excellence service has to be realized together. Both part time workers and full time workers should support the individual self discipline, ".
Head of BPSDM UMM, Prof.Dr.Ir. Jabal Tarik, M.Si who is also the lecturer at Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (FPP) stated that excellent service was held to educate part time workers so that every worker has the ability to serve both in internal and external agency. “The part time workers who are also still being students were trained to optimize their soft skills. Besides, it was intended to give best service in each agency and they are able give their best when they are already in real workplace”. (Jal / han)