The Best Graduates, Rohil Salsabiila. |
Rohil Salsabiila seemed enjoy his studies in the study program Food Science Technology (ITP) Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (FPP) UMM. The best graduates of 82nd UMM graduation with GPA of 3.97 seemingnly had a strong passion she was involved, namely food technology.
Besides the various research she did, she was also very active in the organization of the food sector, including as a secretary of the central committee of the Student Care Halal Association (Imapela) since three years ago. Therefore, Salsabiila was often invited as a trainer of halal food related to various regions in Indonesia. She also had the opportunity to attend an international symposium of Global Halal Forum 2014 in Jakarta with activists of halal products from various countries around the world.
For the thesis, Salsabiila innovated writing about the making of jam-shaped sheet, entitled "Studi Pembuatan Selai Lembaran Stroberi (Fragaria Sp) dengan Variasi Jenis Gelling Agent dan Konsentrasi Gula". This research was then made into products and commercialized. Currently, said Salsabiila, homemade product already sold out. "It's been a lot of cheese sheet. But, the jam-shaped was only in the form of research so far, no one has been commercialized, "she explained.
The product is then payed attention by the Institute for Food, Medication, and Cosmetics (LPPOM). Salsabiila was requested to patent her work through Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI). "Yes, it is recommended to be patented in HAKI, and developed into self-employment," said a student from Kediri today (26/11) graduated at UMM Dome.
According to her, the process of making it was not complicated. It is just required a deeper analysis because in creating a product must be investigated, whether it is feasible produced and consumable or not. "Hence, it takes much longer on the analysis than the process of production ," said the girl who plans to become a researcher at LPPOM. (Ich / han)