Numbers of 817 students are officially graduated as UMM graduates in the 78th Graduation Ceremony Batch IV 2015. In the event held at UMM Dome, Dr. Abdul Mu’ti, M.Ed as the PP Muhammadyah Secretary stated that the UMM graduates is graduating in critical time. “Indonesia and the world are now having their critical time, leadership transition, changes of regulation, and many ongoing developments,” he said on Saturday (28/11) at UMM Dome.
Moreover, he continued, Indonesia and ASEAN countries are entering the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) next month. “ASEAN countries have their chance to enter Indonesia. They can cooperate, doing entrepreneurship, and also live in Indonesia,” he said.
However, according to Mu’ti, Indonesia also has the same chance as the other ASEAN countries. “This becomes the challenge for the graduates if they want to compete with those countries in the future,” he said.
He believes that the Indonesian human resource (SDM) is way better than those countries. Mu’ti then made example on the Indonesian people who are successful abroad. “When I went to Canada, I met an Engineering professor. He is from Central Java. When I went to England, the main engineers are also from Indonesia,” Mu’ti asserted.
This PP Muhammadyah Secretary said that the UMM graduates are still family of Muhammadyah even they aren’t in UMM anymore. “You are already Muhammadyah families so that you have to implement Islam as rahmatan lil alamin in your surrounding by teaching and using knowledge you got while studying here, in UMM. Last but not least, don’t forget this university. This university is already this big but will get bigger if its graduates are also contributing to this university,” said Mu’ti as leaving message to the graduates.
In line with Mu’ti, the Chief of Association of Private University Indonesia (APTISI), Prof. Dr. Edy Suwandi Hamid, stated that UMM often being praised. “UMM often boasts private university in Indonesia. UMM became one of three private universities which got accreditation “A” in 2013.” Edy asserted.
Prof. Dr. Ali Maksum, Executive Secretary of Private University Coordinator (Kopertis) VII East Java, said the same thing. The quality of UMM in East Java is already proven by getting Excellent University Award (AKU) eight times in row since the award had first started. “It shows the UMM commitment in maintaining its education quality and also becomes the pride of East Java,” he asserted.
In this graduation ceremony, the contingent of Indonesia Bridge and Building Competence (KBGI) and the representatives of UMM Student Choir (PSM) Gita Surya gave the winning trophy to the Rector. The UMM student contingent successfully won as the general champion at KBGI held in Bandung, and PSM Gita Surya achieved the same thing in the competence in Italy. (zul/han/t_rfd)