Zulfikar Anoraga Bagas, From Papua To Europe

Author : Humas | Wednesday, March 29, 2017 09:23 WIB
 UMM student Zulfikar Bagas Anoraga who received scholarships Erasmus+ at Universidad de Murcia Spain.

Less than three years,  Zulfikar Bagas Anoraga has been studying at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), a few of international experiences has already gained by him. Starting from two months social projects in India,  transfer credit program at Tongren University of China for a semester, and the last  Erasmus+ scholarship at Universidad de Murcia Spain for six months.

Currently, Bagas has been in Spain from January to upcoming July,  he is taking part in the Erasmus+ program. His struggle in gaining this current shcolarship was not easy, due to while the program had been opened, he was taking the transfer credit programs in China.

"I get information that there was a registration of Erasmus+. To apply it , I was somewhat difficult because all my files in Indonesia, it was not brought to China. Finally, I asked help to my roommate  to take care of requirements. from transcripts to active college letter, " Bagas explained.

In fact, the announcement was out one month  later, he was not in Malang, because it was on vacation in his home, Papua. " I know it (announcement) from friend. Understandably, that (Papua) is hard connection signal. I don’t believed  I got  it, it was like a dream. Hence, my parents to tears," Bagas said emotionally.

The  Students of  English Education department of UMM said that the main motivation of overseas scholarship was his parents. "I was motivated to learn better for my parents," he said.

Who guess, actually Bagas has a dreams of becoming a football player. However, the decision to continue their education after high school made up his mind to study hard. Now, he wants to be a lecturer.

In the eyes of Bagas,  to gain a scholarship abroad is not difficult, if it is accompanied by a strong desire. "As long as we are resilient and keep fighting to struggle. The most important thing is to find the fullest information, making it easier to prepare the necessary requirements, "he concluded. (Naz)



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