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Presiden diminta jelaskan alasan grasi kepada bandar narkoba. (VIVAnews/Anhar Rizki Affandi)
VIVAnews - Polemics about the Supreme Court ruling which overturned the death sentence and granting pardons to perpetrators of drug crimes Kids push caucus Community Care of Drug Crimes delivered an open letter to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
Circumstances related to distribution, use and effects of drugs in Indonesia needs serious attention because it was very alarming.
Ikhsan Abdullah as angggota Caucus Kids Community Care of Drug Crimes explains, drug crimes classified as serious and extraordinary crime.
"For that, pemberantasanya should be taken seriously and the extraordinary efforts and is no longer done with mediocre efforts especially perfunctory," Ikhsan said in a written statement to VIVAnews, Thursday October 18, 2012 ..
However, according Ikhsan, a judicial review of the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice decided Imron Anwari, Achmad Yamanie, and Hakim Nyak Pha, namely Decision Number: 39 PK/Pid.Sus/2011 tdalam drug cases considered disturbing sense of justice.
"In our opinion, Decision PK MA is not reflecting the sense of justice, and the eradication of discouraging drug crime was the support of the President," he said.
Supposedly, Ikhsan added, nation and state of Indonesia is not inferior to drug crimes and undermine all efforts to eradicate the national movement committed drug crimes, especially the judiciary as the last bastion.
Judge PK, continued Ikshan, giving legal opinions stating that the death penalty violated Article 28 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution and a violation of Article 4 of Law No.. 39 Year 1999 on Human Rights.
adahal, according Ikhsan, about whether capital punishment contrary to Article 28 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution, is not the competence of the judge PK aquo but is very bright and is clearly a competence of the Constitutional Court (MK). "So the local law considerations, it is legally irrelevant and uncalled for," said Ikshan.
In addition, according Ikhsan, the death penalty in the Criminal Legal System Indonesia is still valid as positive law. Jukuman the dead had been tested to the Constitutional Court, and the decision by the Constitutional Court No.. 2-3/PUU-V/2007 dated October 30, 2007, the death penalty still exists, valid and constitutional.
"Therefore, the legal reasoning judges PK is, in fact violated and not in accordance with the Decision of the Constitutional Court. Which means, the violation of the 1945 Constitution," said Ikshan.
The death penalty, according Ikhsan not contrary to human rights. "In this case, capital punishment is not contrary to human rights causes, perpetrators of crimes punishable by death can be said to have committed human rights itself," said Ikshan.
Community Care of Children's Caucus Crime Drug also criticized the decision to grant clemency to convicted drug crime the President is Setia Deni Maharwan as the producer and drug dealer, from a death sentence into life imprisonment. It also granting clemency to Merika Pranola a change from a death sentence into life imprisonment.
"The granting of pardon is the authority and the constitutional rights of the President, but should be used selectively and searif possible," said Ikhsan.
"May the President to give explanations to the public about the rationale Decision Granting Clemency to Bandar drugs," added Ikshan.
By being aware of the complexity of the drug problem, Caucus Community Care of Children Crimes Drugs called for a moratorium on presidential pardons to perpetrators.
"Expect that the President adopted a policy not to give clemency to perpetrators of organized producer / drug dealers. Maratorium We propose clemency for drug manufacturers," said Ikshan. (Ren)