Civitas Basketball Muhammadiyah
Civitas Basketball Muhammadiyah (CiBBM)
Civitas Basketball Muhammadiyah (CiBBM) was established on 23 September 1992 at the Rector's Decree No. E.2/2589/UMM/IX/1992. During a week, CiBBM workout routine. Presenting the national licensed coach and contracted per-period, CiBBM joined many competition both at the local, regional, and national levels.
In CiBBM, each team have a coaching staff consisting of coaches, assistant coaches, and managers. Coaches play more on physical training such as optimum heating condition or by running, push-up, and also sprint. Moreover, the coach also plays a major role in fostering and teaching strategy game development teams. Meanwhile, assistant coaches contribute more to the approach and implementation of strategies to players. While managers are responsible for setting up a workout schedule medical logistics such as vitamins and supplements.
In 2017, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is proud again because on this year UMM women's basketball team won the II place on Women's Champion Basketball Cup Agritech 2017.