Internal FAQ: Office Complex Internet

  1.  Q : How if LAN network device indicator doesn't exist?

    A : Make sure that LAN CARD driver has been installed, if it hasn't, please call supplying division and hardware maintenance of INFOKOM (ext. 159)

  2. Q : How if it appears login page, but cannot be used to login?

    A :  - Check if the typing of username and password has been correct or not

           - Check if there is a message "no more sessions are allowed" on the login page, if yes, it means you have logged in or the user is being used.

  3.  Q : How if there is a cross mark or exclamation point, on the computer symbol at the bottom right of the monitor?

            A : - Check, if  network wire has been connected correctly and indicator lamp has turned on or not.

            -  For the user of windows XP : click right on 'start' select 'explore' then search and select " "My Network Places" icon, then check if there are "computer" icons in disable condition (the icon color is black and white). 

            - For the user of windows XP : click right on 'start' select 'explore' then search and select "My Network Places" icon, then click right on -> propertis  icon-> double click on Internet Protokol V4 -> if there is an IP, empty it

      4.   Q : How if login page doesn't appear? 

     A : Make sure that the computer gets IP by click right on the computer sign at the bottom right corner like what has been explained in the previous step and select 'status', if it has appeared new window, select 'suport menu in the upper side beside 'general'.


     5.   Q : How if the computer has been reinstalled and cannot be connected to network?

A : Connect the network wire with CPU, and check if it has got IP by doing the procedure that has been explained previously or not. 
