Religious Education

This unit is an academic supporting facility in Tarbiyah Department. Managed by a lecturer and assistant. Consisted of Micro teaching equipments and class for teaching practice. Besides, this laboratory also becomes a media to conduct theory experiment and programs found by the lecturers.

Laboratory Purposes

  1. Giving teaching skill and training to the students.
  2. Making religious teaching media. 
  3. Evaluating teaching and learning process in FAI and develop it.


  1. Managing several lecture programs at Micro Teaching.
  2. Managing and conducting PPL briefing agenda.
  3. Implementing training and teaching supervision for FAI lecturer.
  4. Conducting experiment and discussions about theories of teaching and religious education. 
  5. Making Islamic modul and teaching media.

Implementation Pattern

Cooperating with department and lecturer, coordinating micro lecture implementation, and conducting briefing. Also, for the implementation of PPL, this laboratory cooperates with schools where PPL is conducted. 