Learning Research is Fun at UMM Soscamp 2022

Author : Humas | Wednesday, January 04, 2023 07:44 WIB
One of the performances at the closing of Camping Sociology (Soscamp). (Foto: Istimewa

University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Sociology students must be ready anytime and anywhere as agents of social change. This was conveyed by Luluk Dwi Kumalasari, M.Si., as Head of the UMM Sociology Study Program at the closing of Sociology Camping (Soscamp). This activity was organized by the Sociology Student Association (Himasos) at the end of December at Sumberejo Village, Batu.

Luluk, her nickname, said that social camp is a place to introduce study programs to new students. Through this forum, participants get an idea of how to be a student. Apart from that, it is also the beginning of the practice of freshmen doing social research by going directly into the community. Even though there was a vacuum due to the pandemic, Soscamp was finally able to be held again to forge youth to become movers and problem solvers.

“This activity teaches you how to conduct research and academic programs. Even with material related to the importance of the role of students as agents of change so that they can provide solutions and benefits," she concluded.

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Interestingly, Soscamp was closed with the accompaniment of an art performance in collaboration with residents. Sumberreko is also considered to have a unique character: a culture of volunteerism and seduluran. Its citizens are also well-known for their manners which are upheld regardless of differences

Rachmad Kristiono, P.hD. as the presenter assesses, this uniqueness is the object of research or student research at Soscamp. They were then used as material or reference for village development.

He hopes that Soscamp can stimulate students' curiosity and critical thinking. That way, the title agent of change is not just a hoax.

“The value of mutual assistance in this village is an interesting characteristic. Of course, I hope that sociology students can be aware and empathetic when they are in society," he said.

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Omilrio Sankha, General Chair of Himasos UMM, conveyed the same thing. He said Soscamp 2022 raised the theme " Menumbuhkan Jiwa Sosial Melalui Nilai Kekeluargaan dan Intelektual Mahasiswa Sosiologi UMM. " Through this theme, participants are encouraged to develop a sense of empathy accompanied by intellectual solid thoughts. 

One of the skills learned here is survey skills, namely by interviewing the community to obtain data. "Through this sense of empathy, a sense of kinship emerges, which is the basis for contributing," he concluded. (tar/haq/wil)



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