Lecturer of Asia-Pasific Institute From University of De La Rochelle French, Philippe Grangé. Photo by Distya/Humas UMM. |
PRESENTING lecturer of Asia Pacific Institue from University of De La Rochelle French, Philippe Grange, Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a guest lecture on the development of Indonesian language in international world, Tuesday (1/11).
According to Philippe, French made Indonesian as a language that being taught in the country which become the world's fashion centers. Since 1844, the Indonesian language has been introduced in the French Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO).
Meanwhile, the teaching of Indonesian language in the University of De La Racholle has started since 1996 with 80 students. Indonesian Language become one of the languages that studied at several universities in France. "Indonesian is a dynamic language that is easy to learn. If one have learnt Indonesian language it will be fall in love with the language, " Philippe Said.
In the guest lecture that was attended by 5th semester students of Indonesian Language and Literature Department, Philippe conveyed Indonesian language borrowed foreign words at least 7636 and 3592 words derived from regional languages of Indonesia. "No more than 10 percents Indonesian language absorbed foreign languages," he added.
According to Philippe, french language aplenty absorbed by dutch language which then used by Indonesia. Philippe explained, it is because French had been colonized the Netherlands, then the french language was absorbed by the dutch. Similarly, the dutch language are widely used in Indonesian language. "In the 12th century French contributed much to the portuguese language and that language absorbed to Indonesian language in 16th century," Philippe Said.
At least 400 Indonesian word comes from dutch language which absorbed from french language. "the word “Bankrupt” is the same with “banqueroute” in french language and equal to “bankroet” in ductch language” said Philippe in Indonesian language fluently.
All vocabularies of Indonesian language were absorbed from foreign languages. But in automotive or mechanical term, Indonesian did not absorb any languages. "Since ancient times there has been no vehicles so there are no any terms or ducth language. Indonesia actually has its own language, " Philippe explained further.
There was only one word in Indonesian language exactly the same with french language, Philippe added, namely the word 'dong'. That is because in the 19th century many french living in Jakarta so that it popularly used among Indonesian people. "The word 'dong' is a word that immediately absorbed without any transfer of meaning or spelling displacement. Just written in french language 'donc', " Philippe explained. (Jal / han)