Collaboration With Japanese Companies, UMM Training Center Sends Global Standard Human Resources to Japan

Author : Humas | Wednesday, August 24, 2022 06:18 WIB
Training participants with PT SMILE who visited the UMM training center. (Photo: Zaki Public Relation)

More and more participants in the training center, the result of collaboration between the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) and OS Selnajaya, were dispatched to Japan. More than 150 participants have participated in the Land of the Rising Sun training, recruitment, and job departure processes. The latest activity is one of the companies from Japan PT. SMILE visited and conveyed his intention to cooperate and recruit graduates of the training center owned by the White Campus.

In the previous two batches, a total of 42 people were following every process in the UMM-OS Selnajaya training center. This number continues to grow along with the opening of the subsequent batches. The training program lasts 6-12 months and is divided into two primary skills Japanese language skills and selected special skills.

"If they have mastered both, the participants will take the exam as a requirement to work in Japan and participate in the recruitment process from various companies," explained UMM Vocational Director Dr. Tulus Winarsunu, M.Si.

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On the other hand, Kayama representatives from PT. SMILE assessed that the human resources (HR) in the UMM training center had qualified skills. So far, his company often attracts graduates who are only in Jakarta. However, recently he feels that the participants in Malang also have the ability to compete for jobs under the auspices of PT SMILE.

"We have recruited around 22 nurses. Usually, we take those in Jakarta. But I think the participants of the UMM training center are also good. We also plan to bring in staff from Japan to be one of the trainers in this training center," Kayama added.

During the visit, the PT SMILE group also had the opportunity to see the facilities provided by TC Kampus Putih. They start from dormitories and classrooms to the UMM general hospital. Regarding the training field supplied, there are five jobs that participants can learn directly. There are kaigo or caregivers, food and beverage production, building cleaning, fisheries, aquaculture, and agriculture. The training participants can choose one of them as long as it can meet the given requirements.

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Interestingly, when meeting the PT SMILE group, UMM Chancellor Dr. Fauzan M.Pd. discussed the possibility of building a vocational school in collaboration with the White Campus with several companies in Japan. That way, Japanese, as well as Indonesian citizens, can study there. When they graduate, they are expected to be able to work quickly because of the collaboration with various companies.

In addition, Fauzan also introduced the Center of Excellence program, which could be the answer to Japan's HR problems. "So CoE-CoE graduates can be an option to answer human resource problems in a series of required fields. For example, the fields of ruminants, koi fish, seaweed, essential oils, and others. Even if there is a big need in other sectors, we are also ready to project it by preparing a CoE for a skill school that is in line with what Japanese companies need," he added. (apg/wil)



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