Holding Semnas, UMM Psychology Invites to Optimize ABK Education

Author : Humas | Saturday, April 28, 2018 17:55 WIB
Education becomes a crucial thing to watch out in a person's life phase. Therefore, education is the key civilization to make the nation's order better. This was also applied to Children with Special Needs (ABK).
As mentioned in Article 31 of the 1945 Constitution, every citizen has the right to education. It was applied to anyone without discriminating.
Director of Special Education and Special Services of Primary and Secondary Education Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), Dra. Poppy Dewi Puspitawati, M. said that currently her party is promoting the program of Indonesia Smart Movement, Vocational School and Character Education. For vocational schools in particular need to be developed with the maximum to provide special skills to students including students ABK.
During this time, after taking extraordinary school (SLB), they do not know where to go though these students also need to have special skills to participate in building the country.
"However, ABK cannot be a part of the development of Indonesia," Poppy said at a National Seminar on Children's Education with Special Needs (ABK) at BAU Hall on Saturday (28/4).
In line with Poppy, Senior Staff of Faculty of Psychology UMM, Dr. Tulus Winarsunu, explained the active role of parents in the provision of flexible education services and the involvement of professionals are an important factor that must be considered in overcoming the problems of children with special needs.
"ABK should get an education that can help to actualize its special potential, so that it is useful for the nation and country," he said.
Attended by teachers and practitioners in the field of ABK therapists from various regions in East Java, this seminar was held to commemorate National Education Day which falls on May 2 later.
Carrying the theme of "Optimization of Special Needs Education Humanist and Accessible in School", it enlivened with peacock dance by ABK students from SMK 2 Malang, angklung performance by SLB students from River Side Malang. In addition, keeping the launch of Applied Psychology Laboratory Development of Individual Needs Specific (LPT-PIBK) UMM initiated to provide professional services to develop the potential of individuals with special needs.
Chief Executive Officer, Putri Saraswati said the attraction presented becomes evidence that ABK which also work. Despite the limitations, they have a lot of potential and can continue to be developed.
"Hopefully, we are able to facilitate and explore these potentials," closed the lecturer of Faculty of Psychology UMM.
(UMM Public Relations)


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