The Delectation of Milkfish Without Thorns in Various Flavors Is Produced by UMM Students

Author : Humas | Monday, July 09, 2018 15:41 WIB
BANGDUR Nusantara in various falvors
Do you ever eat milkfish without thorns? Usually, milkfish without spines on the market is the result of the presto process to soften the thorns, unlike this one product.
Nurmalasari is a student of class of 2014 from Bima West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) who recently reached a Bachelor degree from Fishery from Aquaculture Study Program (Faculty of Agriculture) and Animal Husbandry University of Muhammadiyah Malang in May 2018 and then managed to produce BANGDUR (Bandeng without Duri) Cita Rasa Nusantara.
Starting from the task of Fisheries Business Practice Course or commonly called aquapreneurship, now the product became a promising field of business. Together with three of his friends Muhammad Soleh, Fernanda Rahmadillah Putri and Sabarudin who are also a team in the process of aquapreneurship, Nurmalasari successfully market this innovative product. The business has even earned up to 10 million rupiah for every 100 kg of milkfish produced.
Her inspiration came when doing Field Work Practice (PKL) in one of private company in Probolinggo which cultivate vannamei shrimp and milkfish. The company conducts two aquaculture in one container as well as producing milkfish without thorns. From here, Mala, as Nirmala familiar called, get knowledge about the technique of filling milkfish.
Producing one week three times, Mala has been marketing its products both conventionally in modern vegetable stores and online by utilizing social media. Seriously, for the stability of product quality and quantity, Mala partnered with suppliers of Probolinggo milkfish.
"Not only supplying, these suppliers also market my products in traditional markets, Pasar Gadang," said Mala, Monday (9/7).
Special, the difference BANGDUR Nusantara with other presto milkfish is not only on the taste, but also manufacturing techniques. BANGDUR Nusantara separation of meat and thorns used filet techniques, while the presto milkfish using cooking techniques with an average temperature of 121 degrees Celsius.
The process of heating using high temperatures is very unfortunate, because it can eliminate the existing nutrient content.
"Nutritionally science, stated in one of the journals that became our reference in aquapreneurship proposal that milkfish presto and fresh milk after the presto almost 98% nutrtion is lost, so the taste of meat is also not good. With the filet technique, we want to maintain the quality of meat from milkfish itself, the sense of nutrition also remains," she added.
Mala also describes, in addition to the advantages of this product characteristic lies in the flavor variant owned. Innovating to bring different products from milkfish without burr in the market, Mala and his team produce BANGDUR Nusantara with four flavor variants, namely original, balado, rendang and sambal matah.
"The taste of this archipelago reflects the culinary diversity of the archipelago," she said.
Endeavor to embrace, empower and share knowledge, Mala and team currently invited the participation of younger siblings especially fishery students who are members of the Fisheries Student Association (HMJ) Fisheries, while Mala and the team only take care of production and marketing management.
"For the production submitted to Himaperik (Fisheries Student Association), they can learn from now before entering the seventh semester to work aquapreneurship," she concluded. (ard)


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