Care about Local Culture, PBSI UMM Held Javanese Culture Seminar

Author : Humas | Tuesday, January 16, 2018 13:16 WIB
Tuesday (16/1) Education Language and Literature Indonesia (PBSI) Program Study (Prodi), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a Seminar on Javanese Culture. At this seminar, Prodi PBSI brought theme of "Javanese Culture in Challenge of Globalization & Educational Development".
The ones who presented were two speakers. They are very credible in culture. Also, lecturer of JR Literary Studies Program of Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Solo, Yusro Edy Nugroho and lecturer of PBSI Study Program Airlangga University (Unair) Surabaya, Eggy Fajar Andalas.
The Dean of FKIP, Poncojari Wahyono, welcomed kindly this event. According to him, culture is very important for a country. He also added that today culture has two meanings, the first meaning of culture itself and the second is meaning of finance.
"A country which succesfully capitalize on the financial significance of a culture is South Korea that now is dominated by entertainment industry with their cultural background," Poncojari said.
Having theme of cultural literacy, Yusro Edy Nugroho explained the importance of appreciating and preserving the culture of Indonesian. He thinks a great nation is a nation that appreciates ​​its language and culture. Yusro also added the keys to preserve the culture are reading and writing.
"Reading a culture is derived from the culture of reading. Writing a culture is derived from the culture of writing and cultural literacy is derived from the culture of literacy," said Yusro.
In a more specific context, the second speaker, Eggy Fajar Andalas, described the philosophy of Panji Asmorobangun's story with Princess Sekartaji and its relation to present and globalization. According to him, the story is very authentic with Javanese culture, unlike Ramayana and Mahabaratha which is set in Indian story. In addition, Javanese cultural identity in Panji Asmorobangun's story with Putri Sekartaji is also very complex.
"Starting from the character of Panji, the system of religiosity, the symbol of human nature to the social structure in the story illustrate how the real Javanese," concluded Eggy. (ard)


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