UMM Lecturer's Research Helps Internationalize Bahasa Indonesia

Author : Humas | Friday, June 21, 2024 10:58 WIB
Acceptance of Doctoral degree certificate by Dr. Faizin, M.Pd (Photo: Arvin PR).

The internationalization of the Bahasa Indonesia language is very important. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing (BIPA) (trans: Bahasa Indonesia for Foreign Speakers) lesson. Therefore, Dr. Faizin, M.Pd. has developed and researched related to the digital-based systemic configuration model in BIPA learning. The UMM lecturer conveyed this in his open examination on June 21st.

The results of product development in this study are a digital-based systemic configuration learning model that contains several learning tools. Among them are BIPA Mentari Indonesia textbook, student worksheets, lecturer's manual, assessment manual, RPS, and syllabus.

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According to Faizin, there are several advantages to this model. One of them is its development, which considers the characteristics of learners from different countries. In addition, it also shows the level of mastery of the foreign speakers. The model is also developed from a learning model that suits the needs of BIPA. The third is to produce learning activities that are directed, focused on mastering and improving language skills, and implemented in stages. "Based on the four validity scores set by BNSP, this model is very valid," he said.

Based on his research, there was a significant improvement in the assessment of learning outcomes in four related aspects, namely listening, reading, speaking, and writing. This means that this learning model is effective for BIPA students.

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Furthermore, Faizin emphasized that the digital-based systemic configuration learning model developed in his research is basically intended for the learning process in the BIPA program. However, the model can also be applied to the process of acquiring other foreign languages. For example, English is taught in the school environment at the junior and senior high school levels. Nevertheless, it needs to be adjusted to the characteristics of the students and the related language materials.

"The learning model that I have successfully developed is expected to be considered by the government in increasing support for the BIPA program. Thus, the goal of internationalizing the Indonesian language can be realized more quickly. The support from the government can be the establishment of policies that facilitate the development needs of the BIPA program or the budget support to increase learning facilities," he concluded. (wil/put)



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