Laboratory of Biology

Laboratory of Biology functions as laboratory for education and research which applied and developed theories and concepts in the field of biology and the related field.

Laboratory of Biology is used to conduct practice of 5 educational units, these are:

A.   Department of PMIPA Biology Education Program for 17 practices:

Microbiology, Applied Microbiology I (food and industry), Applied Microbiology II (environment) General Biology, Environmental Knowledge, Fabric Cultur, Micro-TechniqueParasitology, Histology, the Basics of Nutrition Science, Animal Physiology, Botanical Physiology, Food Management, Systematic of Invertebrate, Plant Anatomy, Human Anatomy and Physiology.

B.   Faculty of Agriculture

¨   Department of Agronomy and Agribusiness, for 3 practices: 

1)     General Biology for Agriculture

2)     General Botany, and

3)     Botanical Physiology

¨   Department of THP (Food Science and Technology), for 2 practices :

1)     General Biology for Agriculture

2)     General Microbiology

C.   Diploma III of Nursing, for 3 practices :

1).   Parasitology

2).   Microbiology, and

3).   Anatomy and Human Physiology

D.   Laboratory of Biology also provides practice for SMU arround University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Laboratory of Biology is used as laboratory for reseach for students, lecturers, and SMU students arround campus. In addition to practice, laboratory of biology serves several kinds of research in every semester which concern about:

  1. Various kinds of substances test, such as glucose testing, vitamin testing, protein testing, fat testing, carbohydrates testing, caffeine testing, chlorophyll testing,
  2. Testing the quality of microbiologic and clean water source, waste water, etc.
  3. Identifying microbes, lower level plant, ferns and others.
  4. Making of preparat for microtechnique and plant, such as: preparat section, preparat wholemount, preparat maserasi squash, fresh preparat with supervital coloring.

Equipment at Laboratory of Biology:

Spectrophotometer, microtom, rotay evaporator, preparat photo, tissue mantel, colony counter, hand tally counter, sactodensimeter, stetoskop, spinomsnometer, haemositometer, soil tester, urinometer, anemometer, microskope (light : monocular and binocular, electric binocular), planimeter, microkjedal, pH meter digital, altimeter, oxigen meter, desicator, lux meter, temsimeter digital, refractometer, bottle COD, slide projector, sentrifuge, inkubator, autokalf, water bath, oven, refrigator, termometer (body, room, environment, and land), autoclix blood lanset,glass tools, modelling tools, dissetiingset, etc.

For the short time, Laboratory of Biology gives practice service every semester for 3 faculties, these are Faculty of Agriculture, FKIP, and Nursing, and also for SMU arround University of Muhammadiyah Malang which has not have laboratory. Meanwhile, for the medium term, the laboratory develops the production of education media and training unit of teaching learning process. For the long term, this laboratory is expected to be the part of Biotechnology Production Unit UMM.
