Laboratory of International Relations Department

Functions and Objectives:

Laboratory of International Relation Department Faculty of Social and Politic Science UMM has some several functions;

1. As a practical means for some courses such as diplomacy, negotiation, Indonesia's foreign politics, International Organization and Administration, etc.

2. As the central source of reference on international issues, in the form of literature, data banks, national /international journal and articles, internet, and various other informations such as lectures, documentaries, interviews, etc.

3. As a means of improving the academic atmosphere in the department of International Relations in the form of discussions involving lecturers, students, and experts to discuss various issues and international studies that in addition to using the Indonesian language, it also uses foreign languages ​​like English, Arabic, etc.

4. As the center of short courses such as training of writing/journalism, public relations, and research activities as well as publishing newsletters/articles that discuss international issues.

5. As the media of department to cooperate with government agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in various activities such as research, resource department development, etc.


The purposes of International Relation Laboratory are;

1. Grow up critical attitude among students with a variety of discussion (study analysis) on various international issues and to facilitate the course lab activities.

2. Provide student the provision in the field of International Relations to master the soft skill through various trainings.

3. Interlace the cooperation with various relevant agencies in order to create conducive teaching atmosphere and learning to produce best graduates in the field of International Relations.

4. Build student who has mentally good personal attitude in order to be professional in the field of International Relations.




Some forms of teaching and learning activities organized by the use of lab facilities. Those activities are:

a. Role Play

b. Discussion / seminar

c. Training (training)

d. Research and writing

e. Publishing

f. Movies

g. Exhibition

h. Foreign language training,

Some activities above are expected to bring results as follows:

· It gives significance improvement on International Relation student in having diplomacy, solving some international problems by international language.  

· Student makes set of papers in the results of studies on various issues of International Relations.

· Student makes set of research reports that can be used as a reference in the analysis of international issues

· Student and lecturer are able to publish the results of thought, research, and creativity in the form of journals and newsletters.


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