Agriculture Laboratory
1. Agronomy Laboratory
Agronomy Laboratory is used to provide services on practicum, research, community service, reserch analysis, and production. The main supporting facilities of the practicum, research, and field training are in the forms of experimental farm and producation farm in Tegalgondo village of 1 Ha and in Pendem village of 4 Ha. Besides, there is an apple farm of about 1 ha in Sumbergondo village, Kecamatan Bumiaji, Batu.
Agronomy laboratory has developed into several laboratories which support the activities of practicum, research, production, counseling service, training service, and analysis service. It consists of:
a. Climatology Laboratory
Climatology laboratory is located on UMM Experimental Farm as a means of practicum, research, and climate data provider. Climatology laboratory is equipped with climatology station and weather station, that is a weather observer tool (sun radiation, intensity, temperature, wind, rain, humidity, and evapotranspiration) which works using computerized system. The data is analyzed using computer. The data can be sent through internet and it links to international climate station system. The laboratory is also equipped with tools for micro climate obsevation on plantation.
b. Genetic Laboratory, Plant Breeding, and Seed Technology
Genetic laboratory, plant breeding, and seed technology is a laboratory for practicum and research activities in the field of genetics, plant breeding, and seed technology, and means of excellent seed production. The laboratory is equipped with tools for chromosome duplication mutation activities, plant hybridization, germination anaysis, seed testing, identification of seed desease pests, seed sertification and storage, and plant chromosome test.
c. Plant Protection Laboratory
Plant Protection Laboratory holds practicum, research, identification service, and analysis on weeds and public services in the form of counseling and training of weeds controlling (agricultural clinic). The laboratory is equipped with tools for pest and plant desease observation, pest and plant desease attact prediction, and sprayer to control pests and plant deseases. The laboratory also provides varous bio-pest products and antagonist microbes.
d. Soil Laboratory
It organizes practicum, research, and analysis service on nutrient and soil testing. The tools consist of practicum equipments of basic geology, soil fertility, and tools for physic, chemistry, and biological analysis of soil. The laboratory also develops and produces biofertilizer ans microbe decomposer (microbe to fasten decomposition/fermentation of organic material on the production of organic fertilizer).
e. Agro-Ecophysiology Laboratory
The laboratory organizes activities of practicum, research, and counseling on agronomy, ecology of plant, physiology of plant, and landscape. The laboratory is equipped with ornamental plant greenhouse facilities including orchids and other horticultural plants which uses mistycool and sprinkle irigation system. There are also experimental farm and plant production farm in Tegalgondo village, Pendem village, and Sumbergondo village, Bumiaji Batu. The laboratory is also equipped with tractor of moor and rice field soil cultivation, laboratory tools for tissue analysis and post harvest physiology, tools for plant growth analysis sucg as chlorophylmeter, leafarea meter, etc.
Agronomy Laboratory of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang also cooperates with outside UMM institutions in order to develop practicum, research cooperation, and agricultural product development. The partner institutions are, among others: Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Sub Tropika Tlekung Batu, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Serat dan Tembakau Karangploso Malang, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kacang-kacangan dan Ubi-ubian Kendalpayak Malang, Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Karangploso Malang, PT. BISI International Tbk. KP. Pujon and KP. Kediri, PT. Dupont or PT. Pioner Gondanglegi Malang, PT. Sang Hyang Seri Ciliwung Malang, CV. Inggu Laut Cangar Batu, CV. Arjuna Flora and various other companies in the field of agricultural industry widely.
2. Agribusiness Laboratory
Agribusiness Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture University of Muhammadiyah Malang was inaugurated in 2000 with main duties:
a. As a means of student's field practicum such as counseling practicum and agricultural communication, agricultural business, agricultural economy, rural sociology, etc.
b. Coordinating practicum activities of Agribusiness Department students in the other laboratory (computation, chemical, and biological laboratories, etc.)
c. As a means of lecturer's research
d. Instutionalizing seminar and discussion forum on students and lecturers.
Practicum activities in the Agribusiness Laboratory are expected to be able in sharpening student's skill to combine theories and phenomena. Meanwhile, the forms of practicum activities are:
a. Field practice in the form of data collection in which it is to be processed, analyzed, and concluded as well as generated on the implication or suggestion for farmers of local authorities.
b. Field trip to agribusiness management companies.
c. Discussion or seminar of various actual topics on agribusiness.
d. Study forum and training for students with various interests such as community empowerment.
e. Computation practicum with several statistical analysis programs such as SPSS, Microstat, POM, etc.
The practicum activities generates the following results:
a. Database of villages in Kabupaten Malang which covers rural potentials, farming business, agricultural counseling, production activities, and agricultural product marketing, and sociological condition of rural society.
b. Collection of papers as the result of developmental and cultural sociology studies.
As a means of scientific communication in the environment of enthusiast/observer/researcher of agribusiness, there was a plan of issuing a periodic scientific publication in the form of "Agribusiness Studies" beginning in 2002. It was collection of the best students' thesis papers and abstracts. The bulletin was a means of documentation of scientific thoughts of Agribusiness students which was planned to be sent to PTN/PTS with Agribusiness/Socio-Economy of Agriculture Departments.
3. THP Laboratory
THP laboratory is built and developed in order to serve activities of practicum, research, and activities, fixed product and raw product analysis services. The laboratory consists of Food Microbiology Laboratory, Food Analysis Laboratory, Organoleptic Test Laboratory, and Food Engineering Laboratory.
Description on the function and benefit as well as tools used in each laboratory of THP is explained as follow:
a) Food Microbiology Laboratory
The laboratory handles food processing related to various microbes. In order to support activities of analysing and identifying microbes, it uses the tools such as Autoclave, Incubator, Water Shaker, Water Bath, Microscope, Colony Counter, Petridisk Cup, Erlenmeyer, test tube, ose needle, suction pipette, suction ball, refrigerator, UV lamp, etc.
b) Food Analysis Laboratory
The laboratory has been long worked together with other universities or institutions to support analysis activities such as analysing protein, water content, ash content, vit.c, fat, etc. from various results of post harvest to fixed product. In order to support all analysis activities, the laboratory is equippped with beaker glass, analitical balance, oven, Erlenmeyer, porcelain cup, measuring cup, suction ball, suction pipette, muflle, spectrometer, acid cupboard, vortex, sentrifuse, pH meter, colour rider, hand-refractometer, visco meter, penetrometer, flask, hot plate, desicator, bured mikro, evaporator, etc.
c) Laboratory for Organoleptic Test and Food Engineering
The laboratory conducts activities on food processing in order to produce various qualified food products such as low-calorie nuts, aloe vera syrup, instant aloe vera, instant ginger, instant turmeric, apple extract, yogurt, soy milk, various fruit and tubers chips. Besides, the laboratory also tries discover to kinds of compund in food to be be processed into natural BTM such as carrageenan for seaweeds; chitin chitosan from shripms and shells; natural dye from canna, rose, rosella, turi, and gladiol. To support all the activities, the laboratory is equipped with vacum frying, dryer cabinet, hidrolic press, spray drayer, oven, vacuum sealer, freezer, gas stove and cookware, blender, mixer, est.
4. Forestry Laboratory
The laboratory develops room activities and forest area activities. The developed laboratory consists of Silviculture Lab., Forest Product Lab., and Forest Management Lab. Besides, the Forestry Lab has tried to cooperate with local goverment of Batu, PERHUTANI, and several Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan (KPH).
For Arboretum collection, the plantation has been started on Pendem experiemental farm which covers Tectona grandis, Sengon, Gmelina, Ebony, and several types of ficus, etc.
Related Information:
- Introduction
- THE VisiON AND MiSsiON OF UniversitY
- Curricular activities
- Laboratory of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies
- Islamic Education Laboratory
- Syariah and Islamic Law Laboratory
- Biology Laboratory
- Chemical Laboratory
- Physics Laboratory
- Multimedia Language Laboratory
- Social Welfare Laboratory
- Communication Studies Laboratories
- Governmental Science Laboratory
- Sociology Laboratory
- Laboratory of International Relations Department
- Law Laboratory
- Engineering Faculty Laboratory
- Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
- Civil Engineering Laboratory
- Electrical Engineering Laboratory
- Industrial Engineering Laboratory
- Informatics Engineering Laboratory
- Laboratory and Study Center of Economic Faculty
- Agriculture Laboratory
- Psychology Laboratory
- Agriculture-Fisheries Laboratory
- Nursing Laboratory
- Pharmacy Laboratory
- Language Center
- Community Service Institute
- Research Institute
- Information and Communication Institute
- A Center of Study for Woman and Society (PSWK)
- Territorial Study Center (PSK)
- Biotechnology Development Center
- Center for Islamic Studies and Philosophy (PSIF)
- Polyclinic and Health Facilities
- Sports Facilities
- Student and Staff Cooperatives