Psychology Laboratory

A.       Overview

As a discipline, psychology is continuously required to develop and find new inventions along together with human's civilization. In the history of psychology, the role of laboratory was dominant.  Psychology was stated as an independent discipline since Wundt had developed his laboratory. 

The longer, psychology laboratory represented very important role in the development of psychology for various aspects of life. For instance, clinical, educational, social, and industrial aspects.  Thus, Faculty of Psychology UMM tries to develop and utilize laboratory as maximal as possible as one of learning, training, and skill development media for students. They will become skilled graduates in which the skills will help them having self development in wider society.

B.       VISION:

Becoming excellent Psychology Laboratory with Islamic insight, humanity, science, and technology.

C.       MISSION:

Organizing and developing psychology through eeducation, training, developing skill on science and technology based on public's demands and needs and based on Islamic values and humanitaian values. 

D.       Objectives:

1.        Providing support on practical skill service through practicum and training on psychology study program and other disciplines at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang

2.        Providing opportunity for academic community, namely lecturers and students to develop science and professionalism in the field of psychology.

3.        Developing measurement prototype and experimentation model in psychology which are beneficial to society

4.        Developing applied science which can be practically used in society 

E.        Function:

1.        Supporting the teaching-learning process/psychology test practicum and subjects which need practical application.

2.        Helping students/lecturers to learn psychological tests independently, experimentation, and other scientific information developments

3.        Helping to provide facilities for students/lecturers in developing measurement tools and psychological test and other types of studies

4.        Providing self development supply, career, and work preparatory to students before they enter work world (final level).

F.        Practicum Subject List

List of practicum subject develops from time to time based on the demands and needs of society. Since being developed, psychology laboratiry has experienced changes on practicum subjects. Pricipally, 80% of subjects in the Faculty of Psychology are followed by practicum. However, it is partially done by students themselves under the guidance from their lecturers. Meanwhile, there are 15 structured practicum subjects since 2007, while the unstructured subjects are presented as follow:

1.        Observation: training students'  sensitivity in capturing psychological phenomena (verbal and non-verbal) by conducting observation on an individual in various situations and conditions

2.        Interview:  training students in digging information using particular technique and interpreting data based on the objectives of the interview 

3.        Advance Psychodiagnostic: training students in administrating various psychological tests (intelligence test, personality test, talent-interest test, and other psychological tests) and conducting assessment and interpreting test result correctly

4.        Psycho-social Intervention: training students' sensitivity in capturing psycho-social problems in society and designing suitable intervention to the problems

5.        Counseling Technique: training students in performing counseling using psychological principles correctly to the individual with problems

6.        Abnormal Psychology: training students' sensitivity in capturing psychologigal disorder phenomena

7.        Design of Training: training students to identify training needs and design training model based on the identification result 

8.        Human Resource Assessment: training students in having psychological examination using relevant assessment method to the all things related to human resouce management

9.       Experiemental Psychology: introducing and practicing various experiment tools in psychology in a laboratory setting

10.    Cross Cultural Psychology: providing students experiences by conducting simple research though observation, interview, and experiment in order to improve sensitivity on the diversity of cross cultural psychology phenomena

11.    Scale and Test Preparation: training students in preparing psychological scale and test and doing validity and constancy test on the scaling instruments

12.    Psychology of Giftedness: training students to identify special giftedness and special intellegence of individuals using giftedness assessment methods

13.    Crisis and Trauma Counseling: training students in performing counseling on traumatic and crisis cases using the correct psychology principles.

14.    Career Counseling: training students to be able in delivering counseling related to career problems faced by students/university students or employed/unemployed people

15.    Social Rehabilitation Pathology: improving skill in analysis social problems and finding solution to the problems by conducting observation and interview on social problems occur in society

G.       Facilities

1.        Counseling and Individual Interview Room

2.        Group Counseling Room

3.        Play Therapy Room

4.        Individual Test Room

5.        Classical Test Room

6.        Observation Room

7.        Experiment Room

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